The Truth Is Revealed

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Lucy opened the other door, and she saw
















She saw a graveyard of weird creatures. They were all scattered all over the floor. She saw wings and faces and she finally got what those creatures were. She looked at them carefully. They were Angels. To be exact, Angels of God. Their bodies were hard to identify each. Arms and legs were scattered everywhere, you couldn't tell which leg belong to each Angel. Lucy covered her mouth, and was shocked at the sight. She stepped carefully trying not to step on the Angels on accident.

"Who could have done this?" Lucy whispered to herself.

She looked around and saw the graveyard spread, it looked like there was no end to it. Lucy mustered all her courage, and picked up a Angel's cut off head. She looked at it, her eyes showed sorrow for the Angel. It quickly fell apart.

Lucy screamed a little bit, "Kya!" She jumped back dropping the head.

"Sorry" Lucy bowed down to the Angel's head. Then she bowed down, saying sorry to the Angels. She felt sorry for them.

"I hope your in peace now" Lucy softly said.

"They're probably in hell" A man's voice was heard.

Lucy turned around, and saw a man with brown curly hair. He had a beard. He looked really old. He was also fat. He wore pants with suspenders on them. On top he wore a pale green shirt that was dirty. On his feet were rubber black boots. He also wore gloves that were brown.

"You must be the Heartfilia girl, huh?" The man asked.

"If i am?" Lucy asked.

"Well then, im Suffering" The man said.

"Suffering?" Lucy questioned.

"One of the trials" Suffering stated.

"What do you want!?" Lucy secretly was hiding a attack behind her back.

"Well i want the spell you have. The spell of life. That's why im here." Suffering said.

"You're not going to get it!" Lucy said.

"I figured you say that." Suffering said.

"Aren't you suppose to be sad or something?" Lucy teased him a little bit.

"Trying to be funny, huh? Well im suffering to tell you the truth." He looked around the room looking at the dead bodies.

"How?" Lucy asked.

"Well, i have to tell you a story if you wanna find out. And that takes time. So do you wanna fight or here the story and then fight?" Suffering said.

"I wanna here it." Lucy said.

"Well to be honest..................... I used to be a Angel who served under God." He said.

"What?" Lucy was shocked.

"Yup! But before everything happen. Before i became to this.......i had a wonderful life." He closed his eyes and tried to image his old life.

"What happen?" Lucy asked.

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