Scavenger Hunt!!

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Lucy opened the door; she was outside, the sky looked like it was going to rain. What she saw amazed her. A garden of dead red roses with a huge maze further ahead. It looked depressing, and somewhat terrifying. Lucy came across a dead rose, she touched it. The petals flawlessly landed in her hand, the petals slowly turning into smaller pieces as it find Lucy's hand.

"I dont like this." Lucy looked out to the garden. She walked around the garden. She was looking for the Four God, but it wasnt there.

"Where is the final God?" Lucy said searching for it. For some reason, Lucy gets a feeling of death is near. She's full of aware of her feeling.

"Isnt the God suppose to be here? Did i go in the wrong direction?" Lucy kept searching for the Fourth God. The God of Hell.

Lucy's conscious told her not to go into the maze. A maze that probably four acres long. She could get lost easily, she doesnt know what lies beyond the maze. It could be very dangerous. But Lucy thought her life is already dangerous enough, but this feeling.....she couldnt get it off her mind. Lucy disobey her conscious and enter the maze. She looks around carefully, walking very slowly. As she goes deeper into the maze, Lucy founds herself at a dead ended.

"I guess i need to turn around and started over again." Lucy started walking, but before she can a voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Hehehehehehehehehehe." A voiced laughed.

"Who is it!?" Lucy shouted.

"I am the fourth and final God. The God of Hell." The voice spoke.

"Reveal yourself!" Lucy demanded.

"I cant.....yet." The voice said.

"Yet?" Lucy said.

"If you want to find me, then you must earn it." The voice said.

"What do you mean!?" Lucy yelled.

"You need to look for clues, which are notes, to find me. The notes will guide you through the maze. You must find all five notes in thirty minutes. This maze use to be a death trap back in the day called Le Labyrinthe Mortel. You would put a whole bunch of people in the maze and just kill them. You would switch a button from the outside of the maze, and deadly poisonous spikes would appear from the bushes. Have i told you that the maze can turn into a indoor maze with a push of a button. So if the spikes dont kill you, then we infused the maze with poisonous gas. Just remember, this all happens if you fail. I actually want to fight you, but i need to see if you're worthy enough." The voice said in a malicious voice.

"Fair enough." Lucy said while tightening her fist.

"But what do i get when i win!" Lucy shouted.

"You get to battle me. I just told you that. Listen!" The voice said.

"No! I mean, what do i get when i defeat you in battle!?" Lucy said.

"Cocky arent we. Well what do you want?" The voice said.

"Tell me where Natsu Dragneel is!" Lucy said.

"What do i get if i win?" The voice said.

"You can have whatever you want." Lucy replied

"Anything?" the voice said.

"Anything." Lucy said.

"Then i would like your spell and that soul of yours." the voice said.

"Fine." Lucy said.

"Very well. Lets the battle for survival begin." After the sentence, the voice disappeared.

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