The God of Sin

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Natsu's Mind

"Wake up!" A voice was heard from the surrounding area. Natsu woke up, all he saw was complete darkness.

"Who's there?! Where am i?!" Natsu shouted where he was. He tried to move, but he couldnt. It hurt him too much.

"Wake up!!!" The voice echo through the darkness.

"What do you mean!?" Natsu shouted.

"You cant loose!" The voice echo again.

"What do you mean!?" Help me! Im stuck in here!" Natsu didnt know what to call the complete darkness. Moving would hurt him only. The voice was his only help, and guide.

"Natsu!" Natsu ear's were ringing of a familiar voice. Memories were brought back from his childhood. He started crying, remembering the old times.

"Li.....Li......sanna?" Natsu said slowly.

"Yes." The voiced answered.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Natsu shouted, "What have you done to Lucy?!"

"You are mistaken. I am not the Lisanna that you think of. Im different." The voice said.

"Eh?" He just stood there waiting for an answer.

The Prison in the Castle

"Huh?" Lucy woke up on the cold floor. She looked around, and took in her surroundings. She notice her hands were tided with rope.

"I guess im in prison." She said still looking around.

"Maybe i can break free!" She started casting a spell, but nothing worked.

"What the hell!?" She looked back to her hands, and notices that the rope keeping her hands tied, is a cancelling magic rope.

"Damn! I cant use my magic!" Lucy searched for something pointy to cut the rope.

"Hmmmm....." But she couldnt find anything that could cut her free.

Suddenly, Lucy gets a flash back of everything that has happen so far.

"Ouch! My head hurts!" Lucy cringes in pain.

"No time for that! I need to escape!" Lucy stood up and started kicking the gate thats holding her in.

"No luck!" Suddenly a voice started talking.

"Hahahaha! Lucy Heartfilia. Its a surprise to see you in prison. To be exact, in my prison." A man in all white came walking over with a cane.

"Who are you!?" Lucy said.

"Me!? Well you dont really need to know who am i, but im the man behind this whole thing." He smirked at Lucy.

"What do you mean by whole thing!?" Lucy said.

"Behind Lisanna's powers, behind all the trials, behind everything." He said lazily.

"That means you're enemy, and i crush my enemies. Let me go and lets have a fair battle!" Lucy demanded.

"Ha! You think im going to be fair!? Hell no! Im going to torture you whether you like it or not!" He brought his face close to Lucy. He grabbed Lucy's chin, and faced her face to his.

"You know, for a girl like you. You have a nice body. Really nice. It reminds me of your mothers body." He grabbed Lucy's shirt and started pulling it off slowly.

"Let go of me!" Lucy whispered to him.

"But dont you wanna have a little fun before your death?" He quickly tighten his grip on Lucy's shirt and rip it off. Leaving Lucy's bra on.

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