The Stars In The Sky

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As Natsu and Lucy race down to the grave of angeles, the castle was crumbling down to the ground. Natsu was jumping from falling rock to falling rock, while carrying Lucy on his back. Only the top of the castle was crumbling right now, but it will soon crumble at the bottom. Right now, Natsu needs to get onto solid ground that wasnt falling. Natsu notice something with Lucy.

"Hey Luce are you okay?" Natsu said looking at Lucy.

"" Lucy said closing and opening her eyes slowly.

"Are you sure?" Natsu asked worryingly.

"Yeah im just........really......tired" Lucy said closing her eyes.

"Lucy you gota stay awake! I know you're really tired, but we need to save both Lisannas. I need your help with that." Natsu said while jumping to another rock.

" I....lost....too.....much.....magic......engery" Lucy said tiredly.

"WAIT! Lucy if you fall asleep, then you can go into a magic coma. I remember reading this somewhere before. YOU CANT FALL ASLEEP!" Natsu yelled.

"IM AWAKE! The coma thing scared me and now im awake!" Lucy said opening her eyes.

Natsu's mind: Hehehehehe the coma thing worked. Lucy doesnt know that you could fall asleep if you lose magic energy. If you lose too too much magic energy your life is in danger. The whole coma thing is a lie! I dont like lieing to Lucy, but i need her to stay awake.

"Ne Natsu!" Lucy said.

"Yes, Lucy." Natsu said.

"I could feel the graveyard's magic energy." Lucy said. She pointed straight ahead.

"I see. So were almost there." Natsu said.

"Yeah." Lucy said.

Natsu finally landed onto solid ground. He started running straight ahead. The magic energy of the graveyard was so strong, it gave both Natsu and Lucy a tiny headache. Natsu and Lucy looked at their surroundings, the bottom of the castle looked and felt evil. They felt a sad presence.

"Natsu, do you feel that?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, i dont like the feelings it gives." Natsu said.

"I think were even closer now." Lucy said.

"You're probably right." Natsu said.

Natsu and Lucy were getting closer and closer with every step Natsu took. Lucy laid her face onto Natsu's warm back, wrapped her arms around his neck, and said...

"Thank you for everything Natsu." Lucy said.

Natsu stop for a second, "Huh?"

"Thank you for everything you had done for me." Lucy said looking into Natsu's eyes.

"Where did this come from?" Natsu grinned.

"Its just...when you were under Matthew's spell, i felt lonley without you by my side. When you were hurt, my heart ached." Lucy said hugging Natsu's neck with a little force.

"I cant really express how thankful i am for you, the only way i know is by doing this" Natsu kissed Lucy's lips. He put his hand on her rosy cheeks. Lucy grabbed onto Natsu's hair and started playing with it. After a few seconds, they parted.

"I love you Lucy!" Natsu smiled.

"I love you too!" Lucy smiled back.

"Now lets go!" Natsu started running again.

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