Author's Note

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Hello minna! Sorry! I will not be posting a new chapter this week because i need to finish my summer work, and i havent even gotten half of it done. I'll try to post a new chapter within this week, but i dont know if i can. Its unusual for me not to post chapters, i love making chapters for you guys!! But my school work always have to get in the way. I will be posting a new chapter next Sunday though! So stay tuned! I also have to do some personal work and that takes up so much of my time. Please forgive me! Oh and i have thought of making another one-shot very soon! So look forward to that! Once again im sorry! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! I can not say enough sorries for this, but please forgive me! And a new chapter of fairy tail came out yesterday! So go read that! Once again sorry! Hope you can forgive me! Animelover272727 out!

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