Lucy vs Lucy!!

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Lucy couldnt believed her eyes. She kept rubbing them constantly. She just stood there in the meadow of dead roses, looking right into her own eyes. Same body, same hair, same eyes, same face. Lucy was scared because her own power is going to be used against her. She knew that her own power can do a lot of damage. (A/N: I have decide to call the evil Lucy, Lucy number 2. I dont want you guys to be confused. Sorry for disturbing.) Lucy number 2 was just standing there, looking at Lucy with malicious eyes, and a wide grin spread around her face. Lucy decide to raise her hand up in the air. Lucy number 2 raised her hand as well. Lucy moved her leg, so did Lucy number 2.

"What the hell is this?" Both Lucys were staring at each other, like if they were to have an eye staring contest. Lucy moved in the meadow of dead roses with her opposite. Both were now standing in front of each other, only 4 feet away. The wind blew through the meadow, both Lucys hair went flying in the wind. But at that moment Lucy number 2 attacked!

Lucy quickly blocked her attack, but Lucy wasnt fast enough. She received some damage. Lucy number 2 retreated back to put some distance in between them.

"Are you really the final God!?" Lucy shouted from across the meadow.

"Yes." Lucy number 2 also had Lucy's voice. Lucy decide to attack as well. Lucy went running towards her evil twin with a watery fist. Lucy number 2 just stood there. Lucy almost made a hit, but Lucy number 2 moved her fist in a different direction. And Instead Lucy number 2 punched her in the gut with her verison of Lucy's watery fist.

"Ahhhh!!" Lucy screamed. Lucy number 2 next kneed Lucy in the face. Lucy fell to the ground with a bloody nose.

"Ahhhh!!" Lucy screamed with a blood screech at the end. Lucy just stayed on the ground, staring at her evil twin. Lucy was scared, but she was from Fairy Tail. She couldnt let something like this get in her way. She stood up, her legs were wobbling.

"Come at me!" Lucy yelled. Immediately, the Lucy number 2 came runnng full speed at Lucy. Lucy did not expect this, but she did say come at me. She is willing to face the consequences. Lucy was now thinking of a battle plan. she decided to let Lucy number 2 throw the first punch, but then she'll block it. Lucy number 2 aimed for Lucy's side, she side kicked Lucy, but blocked it with her elbow. Soon Lucy number 2 jumped off her other leg, spinned, and kicked Lucy in the face. Lucy raised her elbow from the pain. While Lucy number 2 was spinning around from her jump, Lucy stood her ground, and jumped on Lucy's number 2 back. Lucy used it as a platform, she was in the air.

"WING SLASH OF THE WATER DRAGON!!" Lucy raised both arms in the air, she swong them to her back, then swong them back in front of her with force. Lucy used the spell as a whip, the wing slash was hitting the ground with so much force that it was destroying the meadow. Lucy's number 2 was doging them all, but her speed was decreasing.

Lucy's mind: why is her speed decreasing? Could she be tired? Whatever! I'll just keeping doing what im doing!

Lucy landed on the ground. She was chasing Lucy number 2 with her wing slash. It was kinda hard to see Lucy number 2 because when Lucy would miss her, the wing slash would hit the ground. Dead roses, and dirt would fill the air. It worked into Lucy's number 2 advantage. Soon enough, Lucy lost sight of her evil twin. Lucy stopped and looked arounded.

"Where could she be?" Lucy whispered to herself.

"To your left!" Lucy number 2 shouted across the field.

"ROAR OF THE WATER DRAGON!" A magic circle appeared in front of Lucy. Coming out of it was water dragon slayer magic. Lucy wasnt quick enough to dodge the attack. She was hit in an instant. Lucy was sent flying. Lucy used this as an advantage to herself. Lucy started chanting.

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