Come See Me

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Formal was chiseled into my head with gold because it was everything I wanted...I had bought my suit. It was sharp as hell. Got a trim, it was fresh to death. You know I looked good. All this build up, being partnered with Vanity, winning the couple's assignment, committing to Kelly and my early acceptance to Harvard University was leading up to formal. On the last day of school before winter break and this dance, I got a note.

Someone had slipped it into my locker, I can't lie it made me feel special. I tucked it into the side of my backpack and forgot about it.

I turned in all my assignments things were looking up for me.
"Good job Kia!! I wish everyone was like you." Mr.Sanders joked "I'm not joking sir grade all those assignments or I'm dropping this class." I replied, Mr.Sanders habitually 'lost' assignments. /(='_'=)\
Anyways ...
When lunch came I say Deroy chilling with his friends. I casually joined them and received a warm welcome I felt good being a senior because this wasn't the case three years ago.

"Who you taking to formal Deroy?" I asked curiously.

"Some girl,.. I forgot her name but ima text her later and find out."

"Is she pretty."

"Yeah, but she vanilla and I'm not sure how my mom's gonna react and she got one of them generic names tooo!!." He whined quietly across the table.

"Do you like her?"

"Kia, I don't know her! She looks like miss piggy gonna walk up to me in calculus and ask me to formal in front of everybody!"

"That's shallow bro, besides you said yes and you just told me she was pretty. I don't know if you're lying or just over exaggerating."

"I said she was iight."

"Whatever just take her. It's not like you have any thing better to do."

He gave me the side eye, I shrugged my shoulders. "Ima laugh when you get Kelly pregnant."

"Your mad petty." I couldn't help but laugh.

Deroy grabbed his bag and smirked "That's what they call me! Just save the last dance, iight."

"Sure sure." I replied.

"See you, when I see you."

Blacked wasn't going to formal because his family was going to Sweden for the god knows what. I guess things were good between them because he invited Vanity to come to. I wondered if she'd sleep with him. But I digress, because I knew if she wasn't going to be at formal then I definitely needed Deroy to be there for support. Kelly and I could only hold a conversation for so long and some company never hurt.

By the time I got home, I finally got a chance to look at the letter from my locker. I sat at my computer typing up a journal entry when I decided to read it.

Dear Kia,
I transferred to a school upstate, I live up here with my uncle and his family, I'm not sure if you care, but I'll be in Brooklyn at Coney island beach by the aquarium on December 08 in the evening. Come see me if you can.

I read the short note and I wanted there to be more. I couldn't let it go. I read it fifteen to twenty times, when I suddenly heard my mom call me down for dinner. I wrapped it up and put into the pocket that sat just above my heart. I have to go I told myself. That would mean missing formal...I ate quickly and thanked my mother.

My chest was in pain. This was all I ever wanted. The butterflies, the feelings they were all rushing back to me. I laid on my back, suffocated my face with a pillow and thought about how much I felt for her. Was I wrong for trying to push off these feelings. The tears were seeping out, I could feel them drenching my pillow, and my mind was made up, I had to see Amora.

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