He's drunk

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"Cat's are very sexy flowers" Harry said.

You immediately started laughing.

"Thanks for dropping him off guys" you told louis and niall as Harry fell into your arms.

"Don't mention it Y/ N" niall smiled.

"Yea....you see how drunk the lad is? He would have definitely crashed his car" Louis said, causing you and niall to nod in agreement.

"No I wouldn't have....the angels would have flew down and saved me" Harry claims.

You chuckled.

"Come on babe. Let's get you to bed" you told harry, telling niall and Louis bye as well.

You closed the door and looked back at harry.

"You don't have to help me babyyyyyyyyyy....I got this" Harry reassured you.

He started jogging up the stairs but then quickly tripped and fell all the way down.

You started laughing along with harry.

"Aww, are you okay?" You asked.

"My legs are just so sexy and long" Harry said.

You chuckled.

"I doubt that's the reason you fell. Now come on" you said.

You helped Harry up the stairs and you finally got to your room.

He plopped down on the bed and grinned at you.

You took his shoes off for him and started pulling his pants off.

"I like when you take my clothes off for me...it's sexy" Harry grinned.

You chuckled and took his shirt off.

"Will you stop saying sexy?" You asked Harry smiling.

"I can't loveeeee....it's the word of the night!!" Harry screamed.

Oh Lord.

"Let's go to bed. There will be pain killers and water on your night stand when you wake" you told him.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around you as you got into bed.

"Would it be weird if I had sex with a squid?" Harry asked suddenly.

Oh god.

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