Cooking with him

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The two of you stood in the kitchen, you making the salad while harry fixed up the chicken.

You walked up and observed Harry's actions.

"Shouldn't you add some more salt to that?" You asked curiously.

Harry shook his head.

"Why not?" You asked.

"Because" he simply said.

"Because what?" You pressured.

"Because it will completely ruin the effect of the seasoning and I would have to redo the entire chicken" Harry answered.

"No...just...add a little bit more'll taste great" you assured him.

"Y/" Harry said, slight annoyance in his vice.

"Come on Harold....just a little" you begged.

"" he laughed.








"GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!!!!" Harry yelled, causing your eyes to go wide.

"Okay okay geez" you put your hands up in surrender.

He chuckled and smacked your bum as you walked away and out of 'Harry's kitchen'.

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