Hairy love

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Hey babes!!

Here's a request for meh love Gilinsky_Styles

Hope u enjoy!!!

"My god, you're the cutest!" I squealed at the adorable little kitten I was holding.

"Aww babe, thank you" Harry smiled as he switched the tv to football.

I looked up at him to see he had a genuine smile on his, thinking I was talking about him.

"Um. You're cute too Harold but I was actually talking to my baby" I corrected.

He turned his head and gave me a blank look.

"But...I am your baby."

"My other baby" I said, shifting my eyes down to the kitten who nibbled on the sleeve of my sweater.

Harry rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Of course. You're always talking about that cat" he pouted.

I smiled and scooted closer to him on the couch, placing the little kitten onto the floor.

"Awww don't pout. I thought you liked our new cat."

"I do babe but....Dani.....she's tearing us apart" he whined.

I let out a small laugh which caused him to furrow his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Danielle. Ever since we got her, all you care about is her. You barely spend time with me anymore. I'm surprised I don't come home to see the damn animal in my clothes, using my shampoo and sleeping on my side of the bed" Harry complained.

"Oh, she already used the shampoo."

"SHE WHAT?????!!!!" Harry exclaimed, sitting up straight and staring at me in shock.

"Kidding babe" I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He frowned and groaned.

"That's not funny. No cat...and I mean NO cat....messes with my hair products. These curls don't just come naturally" he said, flipping his hair over his shoulders in a girly manner.

"Actually they do. Your name should be curly rather than Harry......I think I'll talk to Anne about getting your birth certificate changed...." I thought, nodding my head in agreement with my suggestion as I stared up at the ceiling.

"Shut up and kiss me Dani" he growled into my neck.

Before my eyes could even meet his, he pushed his lips onto mine.

I pulled away and he stuck his bottom lip out, looking awfully adorable.

"I don't like it when you pull away" he stated.

"I don't like it when you get jealous of our pets."

"Hey! It's true. It's like she just doesn't like me or something" Harry argued.

"You know what Harry? I know what it is" I lied, trying to stop this conversation so it would be over.

"What?" He asked, curiously.

"She just loves you too damn much. She's utterly in love with you. She's been copying my every move so she could steal you away from me" I said.

Harry thought for a while.

"I knew that was the reason!"

I stared at the boy in amusement, finding it funny how he believed I was serious.

"I knew she was coming on to me...I just didn't want to say anything. Sometimes, when you're not looking, I'll catch her in the corner staring me down. Giving me this look like....'What bitch?' It scares me sometimes....what is it called...." Harry thought.

"Being a cat?" I asked.

"No.....maybe just been around Louis too much" he nodded, causing me to laugh.

He pulled me into his arms and rested my head on his chest.

"But that's too bad. Because no matter how hard this cat tries.....I'm yours" he promised.

I shook my head in amusement.

"And I'm yours" I said, staring into his eyes.

"And don't you forget it."

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