The beach

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We arrived at the beach about an hour before sunset. Already there were swarms of kids everywhere. Some seemed to have started drinking early by the way they were stumbling about. Others were chasing each other around, while some wrestling in the white sand and kicking water at each other from shore. A group of people off to the side were throwing a Frisbee around. In the middle of the beach were three large bonfires and half a dozen smaller ones set up and ready to be lit whenever the sun would finally set.

Jake leads us to one of the smaller fires away from all the ruckus to sit and await the arrival of the twins. My heart starts beating faster as I begin to anticipate their arrival. In my mind, they are perfect. No other boys can even compare to them.  The strangest thing is that if someone were to ask me what it was that was so damn perfect about them, I wouldn’t know how to reply. Physically, they are gorgeous. Their hair, eyes, height, and bodies appeal to me on the highest of levels. Personality-wise, well, they don't try and pretend to be what they aren't. If what they are doing isn't considered ‘cool,’ they don't care. They don't change to fit in with other, others change to fit in with them. Concerning their behaviour, Ryan seems to have a chip on his shoulder when it comes to Kat and myself. If looks could kill, I’m sure we would be dead a thousand times over. Although I’m never sure if he realizes he gives us those looks, because most of the time it seems more like he sees us and starts thinking really hard about something.

Ryder on the other hand just acts like we aren't even there most of the time. A few times he has forgotten whatever rule they seem to have on us and will join in on a conversation and will sometimes even laugh and joke around with us. But those times are usually when we are at their house, and their parents are laughing and joking around with us too. Around their tight-nit friends they laugh, smile and joke a lot. They seem to always be playful when they are in their home. However, in public they always hide that side of themselves are more serious and reserved. They get along really well with outsiders and I’m not sure why.

"You guys want something to drink?" Kat asks as we go to sit at the bonfire. We nod our heads and she sets off to find the beverages. Sitting down, I look around the beach. It is such a beautiful place and getting to watch the sun set over the water is magical. This is my second favourite place to be in this town. My first is the vast forest that surrounds most of the town and my back yard.

"So when are your brothers due to show up?" I ask.    

"Hmmm, more than likely just after dark. That's when they normally make their appearance at these type of parties.” he tells me. “I still can’t believe that they have been gone for three months. It's the longest I have ever gone without seeing or speaking to them. No contact at all. Shit, it’s been hard" he chuckles. I smile at the care he holds for his older brothers.

"So were they were traveling for the last few months?" I ask. Giving me a sideways glance from looking out over the water, he says hesitantly, "Yeah why?"

“Well I don't see why you haven't spoken to them. I mean, you can call home from all over the world pretty easily these days, right? There’s Skype, web chat, texting, email - I just don't see how you haven't been in touch with them for the last three months. Where have they been anyways?" I ask.

Jake stays quiet and focuses hard on the water in front of us. I frown at him, furrowing my eyebrows together. I’m more than likely not going to get an answer from him because he never tells me where his family goes on vacation like it is the biggest secret in the world.

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