Mungojerrie And Rumpleteazer

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After I screeched Macavity's wretched name, the yard went silent. Bustopher looked over at my direction and whispered, "Did you see him dear?" Still recovering from the shock, I nodded the best I could. The yard full of Jellicles immediately went into hiding, searching for a nook or cranny that was safe from the infamous orange and brown tabby known as Macavity. Bustopher Jones was nowhere in sight, I hoped that he found someplace to hide or was away from the yard. Only Munkustrap, Alonzo, and I remained in the yard. I stayed put in the back center area with my back pressed against the tire that Old Deuteronomy would sit on during the ball. Alonzo paced along with Munkustrap for a while, but was frightened off by an unheard sound.

Munkustrap sniffed the air a few times, only to coax me out of my fear state a moment later, "Arabella it is okay, I do not smell Macavity's scent." I nodded shakily and followed Munkustrap to the prominent sewage pipe in the yard. He then laid down beside me and wrapped his tail around my flank, instantly calming me the way my brother used to when I was a kitten. Even though I could tell that Munkustrap was trying his best to keep me calm, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched by someone. This feeling faded once I heard the loud and obnoxious giggles of Rumpleteazer. Munkustrap didn't hear this as he was falling into the trance of sleep. Rumple's brother, Mungojerrie, immediately shushed her knowing that some of the other Jellicles weren't fast asleep as he had hoped. Jerrie and Rumple appeared at the top of the tire each with a burlap sack, no doubt caring some sort of treasure, on their shoulder. Rumple scanned the yard for a trace of any Jellicles but found none. It was then that they started to sing a song of their own. (Mungojerrie And Rumpleteazer) Jerrie pointed to himself as he sang the first line.

Mungojerrie: Mungojerrie...

Rumpleteazer: And Rumpleteazer.

Both: We're a notorious couple of cats!

Rumpleteazer: As knockabout clowns. Quick change comedians. Tightrope walkers. And acrobats!

As Rumple sang these words, she and her twin brother, preformed the sung actions in perfect unison.

Mungojerrie: We have an extensive reputation. We make our home in Victoria Grove!

Both: This is merely our center of operation, for we are incurably given to rove!

As the twins sang, they mimicked the movement of a typewriter as they scattered to separate sides of the yard.

Both: When the family assembles for Sunday dinner with their minds made up that they won't get dinner.

Mungojerrie: With Argentime joint...

Rumpleteazer: Potatoes and gravy!

Both: And the cook would appear from behind the scenes!

Mungojerrie: And say in a voice that is broken with sorrow, "I'm afraid you must have dinner tomorrow!"

Both: "For the joint has gone from the oven like that!"

They then both turned to one another and sang the next pair of lines.

Both: Then the family would say, "It's that horrible cat!"

Mungojerrie: "Was it Mungojerrie?"

Rumpleteazer: "Or Rumpleteazer?"

Both: And most of the time, they leave it at that!

As the duo of tiger cats entered the next verse, they did a slight variation of a kick line, only sideways.

Both: Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer have a wonderful way, of working together. And some of the time you would say it was luck! And some of the time you would say it was weather! We go through the house like an hurricane,

Mungojerrie: And no sober person..

Both: Would take his oath!

Mungojerrie: Was it Mungojerrie?

Rumpleteazer: Or Rumpleteazer?

Both: Or could you have sworn, that it might of been both? When you hear a dining room smash! Or up from the pantry, there comes a loud crash.

It was then that the duo got almost inaudible as they crept along the middle of the yard in perfect syncopation.

Both: Or down in the library, came a loud ping! For which was commonly said to be miiinnnngggg...

The chord that those cats sang brought me to the last resort, standing up and almost firing out of the pipe. Munkustrap, of course, stopped me from getting five pawsteps away and muttered with a slightly sarcastic tone , "Where do you think your going?" I smirked, "Outside to teach those two a lesson." Munkustrap shook his head and pulled himself up, almost causing me to fall down as the side effect. I growled slightly and he smiled back, "Shall we?" I rolled my eyes as we creeped silently out of the pipe and towards the tiger cats.

Both: And the family would say, "Now which was which cat?"

Mungojerrie: It was... Mungojerrie!

Rumpleteazer (slightly annoyed): AND... Rumpleteazer!

Then, the duo of tiger stripes latched onto one another and cartwheeled to the other end of the yard as the began to sing their last line.

Both: And there's nothing at all to be done about that!

The rest of the Jellicle tribe by this point had figured out that the smash heard earlier was from these two tiger striped hooligans, so they circled the duo as they finished their song. Demeter, Jellylorum, Cassandra, and Electra got them from the left while Quaxo, Skimble, and a few others got them from the right. Munkustrap and I grabbed their bags full of loot as they locked eyes with us, and then we proceeded to through the bags outside the yard.

All: And there's nothing at all to be done about that!

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