Chapter Sixteen

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A pic of Michael on the side ;)

When Elena woke up the next morning, she found Leo still sleeping so she went out and greeted the workers who were up then went into the cabin. They had rent it to put their bags and necessities and to use the bathrooms in it but Elena refused to let anyone sleep there, saying that they needed to try the feeling of living in the woods.

She freshened up then went to sit beside the lake. However, she didn't stay alone for a long time because she felt a presence behind her, she turned around to find Micheal smiling at her

"Good morning" Elena greeted giving him a bright smile

"Good morning" Michael greeted back then sat beside her

"You were pretty drunk yesterday, how are you feeling now?" He asked, trying to make a conversation with her

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," She let out a laugh, "I didn't do anything embarrassing, right?"

Her question caused Michael to chuckle, then he stood and started taking his shirt off

"Uh.. What are you doing?" Elena asked as she tried awkwardly to stare at anything but his hard chest and six packs.

But when he ignored her and started pulling down his pants, she freaked out,

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She asked, her voice became louder than she intended

He stood in his boxers, smirking at her uncomfortable state then jumped in the water splashing Elena in the process.

Once he reappeared to the surface again, he gave her an adorable cheeky smile

"I heard you don't know how to swim"

"Yeah, so?" She asked, suspiciously

"C'mon, jump in!"

His order caused Elena to laugh, "Yeah, immediately"

"I'm not joking! Jump in and I'll teach you how to swim"

"Maybe another time" Elena laughed nervously

"Elena Ross, I dare you to jump in the water"

That did the trick.. She couldn't say NO for a dare

"Oh God! Don't let me drown. If I die, my ghost will make sure that your life will be a living hell" She warned as she started to take off her top.

She heard Michael's sharp intake of breath but ignored it as she pulled down her shorts as well.

When Elena was in her underwear, she looked at Michael to find him staring shamelessly at her body

"Hey! Don't look at me like that!" Elena's voice seemed to snap him out of his pervy thoughts as he smiled sheepishly at her, "Sorry"

She dived in slowly and Michael grabbed her hands,

"Keep paddling your feet," He instructed and Elena nodded

"Now do the same thing with your hands" Michael said and dropped her hands slowly
(That's a pretty shitty description for teaching someone how to swim but I didn't know how to write about it. So, my lovely readers, use your imagination <3)

"Oh my God! I'm swimming!" Elena screamed and Michael laughed at her silliness

Leo woke up to find that he was alone, he got out and found some of the workers cooking and the others playing around but he didn't find Elena.

He went to the cabin, when he didn't find her, he walked back and asked Jessica,

"Have you seen Elena?"

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