Ouran meets Bleach

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"Ichigo!" He heard his nutcase of a father scream, as he tried and failed to kick him.

"Shut up Goat face! I don't have time for this!" Ichigo snapped back at his father. His hollow, who was stuck in the material due to Kurotsuchi, already had his new school uniform on, along with Ichigo's look alike Kon, who had gotten a gigi from Urahara that looked like him. How had he not realized that Hichigo had gotten out of bed, who knew all he thought was that Kon was loud, so missing him getting up was strange. He got out of bed, and started rummaging around the room for his new uniform. Ishida and the others would be here to pick them up soon.

"Looking for this Ichi?" Shiro asked, holding up the blue uniform.

"Why don't we help you put it on?" Kon questioned seductively, causing the substitute shinigami to blush.

"No, I got it. Just go and wait for Inoue and the others." He told the two who were posing as his triplet brothers. Today they would be starting at Ouran Acadamy as honer students. Somehow, he, Kon, Hichigo, Inoue, Chad, Uryuu, Rukia, Renji, Toshiro, Gin, Grimmjow, and Ulqiorra had tied at top of the class, and going to the prestiges  school was their reward.

--10 minutes later--

"Hello, Ichi~chan, Shiro-senpi, Kon-kun!" They heard Inoue greet.

"Hey Orihime!" They all replied back. Kon and Hichigo had convinced the oblivious Ichigo into realizing that Orihime liked him, and he had told her that he didn't really have an interest in her. She had been really depressed after that, but she eventually got over with it, and they were friends again.

"How is the school even paying for this?" Ichigo asked Uryuu. Sending twelve kids to a school for the rich must of cost a fortune.

"I do believe that each of our families paid what the scholarship for six couldn't." Uryuu replied, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Oh." Ichigo replied, feeling bad because his dad had to pay for a whole scholarship and a half.

"And don't worry. My father and Urahara helped to pay for you, and everyone else. It's not every year that His son, nephew, nephew's hollow, and his son's friends all get scholarships split to go to such a school." Uryuu explained, not adding that it took some time to beg his father to agree. They all smiled.

--20 minutes later--

"This place is huge. Not as big as Las Noches, but still huge." Grimmjow commented, amused by the looks on the others faces.

"I know!" Ichigo mused, following Grimmjow across the street, as the others also followed.

"King! Watch out!" Hichigo yelled at his King, who turned to see the vehicle racing towards him, before being pushed out of the way, falling forward away from the roaming vehicle. He felt a sharp pain in his right hand, as it was covered with tiny scratches that hurt so much, that his eyes started to water, damn his body's almost non existent pain tolerence, what happened? "Kon it hurts. Make it stop, please Hichi."

When the two boys, that also had the Kurosaki name, saw their "brother" the rage left them, and it it was replaced with worry, as the boys eyes filled with unshed tears. They rushed towards him, each holding him in a different way, in front of everyone in the court yard. Kon was holding his hand, licking away the blood in an attempt to make the other feel better. As he did this, Hichigo was examining the rest of his body, before going up to his kings blushing face, licking away at the tears as Ichigo's eyes cast downwards in embarrassment. The car that had almost seriously harmed the king, had parked, and the twin owners were rushing to see if the orangette was okay, and to see why all the girls in school were fawning.

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