Lie and Tell (Spidynova)

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Sam and Peter had been dating for a month now. They hadn't exactly told anyone about their relationship yet either. They were scared. But today was the day. Peter didn't want to tell his aunt yet, but the rest of the team and MJ could know. MJ had been suspecting for months now.

"So, why are we all here?" Luke asked. He had been taking a shower, but no they needed to tell the team something.

"They are waiting MJ's arrival Cage," Danny said calmly. Luke was always unhappy when he got dragged out of the shower. It was a mostly proven fact.

"I'll get the door when it rings," Ava said, she had been hoping to get Peter alone, but that wasn't happening so far. She had a major crush on him, but never knew how to tell him. The door had a knock.

"Hey, I was called over here, so I came as quick as I could!" She seemed all around cheery, as though just yesterday nothing had happened. She had almost been forced against her will to make out with Flash Thompson, but Ava saw and beat his butt for it.

"We just wanted to tell you guys something," Peter replied quickly, finding nothing else to say.

"Like, that your dating and you are really, seriously bad at hiding it from me?" MJ asked, her suspicions were right then. That's good.

"Yeah," Was what Sam replied, he didn't know how the team would take it. It was the absolute most confusing thing in the world. At this moment for them at least.

"That's...great," Ava said, grinning sarcastically. Now she had no chance with Peter. She wanted him to be happy though. So all she could do, was sit there, and wait it out.


It's a short one here, but I really want to type another shot for all you guys before my study hall time is over!

-Aaliyah D.

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