Innocence Thriving (Jetko)

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Zuko didn't think his sexual awakening would happen on a ferry. To be fair, he also thought his sexual awakening would happen when he fell in love with a beautiful woman, but instead he was hiding on the deck with a blushing face because of a guy. Luckily, his Uncle had just chuckled and told him he should tell whoever the lucky lady was about his feelings. Zuko did, of course, bite back his retort and instead nodded at his uncle. So here he was with a blush covering his face, and thoughts so far into his body's deepest desires that he wouldn't be able to look his uncle in the eye for a week.

"Hey, Li!" A gruff voice called out from his left side.

Zuko gave a slight smile, "Hey, Jet."

The two stood in silence. Jet had turned to face the ocean and was leaning on the railing of the ferry alongside Zuko. His blush returned more furious than ever. The boy he had started to have feelings for was standing beside him. He scooted slightly closer to the other boy, but made no other movements. He could hear Jet's body move and there was warmth seeping through to his back from the arm resting around his shoulders. He felt himself tense up before he relaxed and shifted so he was leaning against Jet.

"You're cute, ya'know?" Zuko could hear the Jet's smirk.

"O-oh," he muttered under his breath and looked away.

"Why don't ya come to my cot, Sweetheart? I can show ya a real good time," Jet's breath was hot on his ear. He felt his own breath hitch as his body flooded with arousal.

"Lead the way."

Even when Jet tried to get him jailed for being a fire bender, he felt a strange connection to him. Maybe it was simply because he'd allowed Jet to have his virtue, but maybe it was because he actually felt something for him. If he were being honest, he wouldn't be able to say that he hadn't broken down in tears, because he had. He had thought that the two of them really had something special, but clearly there was nothing there if Jet would hand him over to the police so easily. He was really going to miss how the other boys' hands roamed his side and gripped them tight. He was going to miss the way Jet made him breathless after each kiss. He was really going to miss feeling loved.

By the time Azula had shown up in Ba Sing Se, Zuko knew he was with child. He could feel the child's chi within his center and he could feel some of his own being used to ensure the safety of his child. Had the child not existed, he would have sided with the Avatar and his friends, but Zuko had a baby to worry about now. He couldn't fight Azula while he was pregnant. Not if he wanted his baby to survive. He only wished he had told his Uncle about the child before he was captured. Zuko begrudgingly followed Azula and fought Katara and Aang. He felt tears swell, but he blinked them back. He could suffer for the next seven months if it meant the safety of his child.

Zuko ended up leaving his father and sister on the day of the eclipse. He wasn't safe there and neither was his baby. Father had made it very clear that he was to marry Mai and he had also made it very clear that while he "loved" him, he wouldn't tolerate disobedience from his son ever again. Zuko didn't want to live like that, so he left. If his father ever found out about his child, they would be taken away and killed to keep his act of disrespect a secret from the rest of the nation.

The next time Zuko was actually worried about the health of his child was when he helped Sokka rescue Hakoda and Suki from Boiling Rock. Going into the freezer while keeping himself warm was one thing, but getting into fights with other prisoners was another entirely. He had to be extra guarded when it came to fighting people because he couldn't let them near his stomach. He knew that stress wasn't good for the baby's health either, but him getting hit where his baby was growing would probably be worse.

When he felt a presence behind him at the temple, he tensed and stealthily moved a hand to relax near his abdomen. He looked to his right, and relaxed when he saw it was just Hakoda.

"You should tell the others about your condition. It's not safe for you or your child to be running around breaking into high security prisons," the southern water tribe chief said and Zuko felt a hand place itself gently on his shoulder. He let out a shuddering breath and leaned into the touch.

"We'll be fine," he muttered and looked towards the man. "We've been through a lot, and I know I need to think about my baby, but if I'm not involved in this war then my people will never be free of my father's tyranny. He needs to be taken out and someone needs to take the throne when he's gone. If Azula is allowed the crown, I fear for what she will do."

The chief was silent for a few moments before asking, "how far along are you?"

Zuko smiled and looked down, "I believe I'm getting close to four months."

"Do you know who the father is?"

Zuko nodded, "I don't know if he's still alive."

Hakoda gave him a look of understanding and a gentle rub on the shoulder before he left Zuko alone. Was Jet alive? Ba Sing Se had fallen and with it, so did its people. There was a chance he was alive. He might have been taken prisoner or he could have escaped from the Fire Nation army, but Zuko knew the chance was slim. Zuko knew his nation's military prided itself on the deaths of innocents.

His Uncle was safe and Zuko couldn't be happier. He wanted to throw himself into his Uncle's arms and sob in relief, but instead he sat a few feet away as he explained himself with tears running down his cheeks. However, at the moment he least expected, his Uncle hugged him tight. He sobbed until he had no tears left and he hugged him close. This was his father. He may not be his biological father, but Zuko could tell the difference between how a father should and shouldn't act. Uncle had been the only one to treat him as a father should. With love and affection rather than pain and distance.

"Uncle, I need to tell you something before we separate again," he could see his Uncle begin to interrupt. "I'm with child."

He seemed to get over his shock quickly, "you cannot fight right now, Prince Zuko."

"I'll be fine. We both will be fine."

"Zuko, I cannot bear to lose another son. Nor can I bear the death of my unborn grandchild. You must not go."

"I'll bring Katara to heal us, and if there are any fatal attacks, I'll ensure my chi will protect my child. Uncle, I must go."

"Be safe."

Soon enough, Zuko was the new Firelord. His people cheered and the war ended. He was crowned not long after the war and his heavy robes were somehow able to hide his five month baby bump. Zuko smiled at his people and at the people of the two surviving nations. He cast a quick glance toward his stomach. His baby would grow up in a world of peace where all were prosperous. He would find Jet one day or maybe settle down with another man. He would bear at least one more child, but for now all he felt was safe. He was surrounded by his friends and his child would grow up loved. That's all he needed to know for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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