JD Trans fic (FtM)

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This is a Heathers Musical fan fiction.

JD never thought about how different he was. He never thought about how even behind his trench coat, his breasts bulged out a bit. He never thought about how his shoulders weren't as broad as other guys, or how he was curvier. He never looked into a mirror, and noticed that his facial features were softer. He never took notice of how his hair was silky, and flowing almost half way down his back. Because as long as he knew he was a boy, it didn't matter what other people thought, right? He could live another few years looking like this, couldn't he? He could wait until he was out of his fathers care, and could pay for hormone replacement therapy. And he did. He lasted two years before he broke.

At fourteen, he started cutting. It was better than feeling sorry for himself, and it helped distract him from his thoughts. With all his focus on the pain, he could forget that his body wasn't a boys. He could forget that everyone at school made fun of him. He could forget that he had started menstruating, and that his breasts were getting bigger. The pain was a relief, and it worked. He could wait longer with this tool at his disposal. He could last another four years. He would be eighteen, and a high school graduate by then.

The cutting worked until near his sixteenth birthday. His dad had been having a good day, and checked the calendar. Bud gave him $500 dollars, and told him to go to the mall with his girlfriends, and buy some girly clothes. He simply nodded, and left the house. He did end up going to the mall, but he didn't buy girly clothes. He did however, find a store in the mall that sold binders, and bought one. He also went to other stores, and bought himself some more male looking clothes. He want to a salon, and got his hair styled short. He was so happy that he couldn't bring himself to mutilate his skin further. He started downing slushies the next day.

Veronica Sawyer was a goddess. A beautiful, breath taking, black haired beauty. She was stunning, and when she barged in through his window, she saw his situation, and slept with him anyway. When JD manipulated her into killing her bitchy friend, Heather Chandler, she stuck with him. She even forged a suicide note. She stuck with him after they killed Kurt and Ram together. She loved him.

When he had the idea of blowing up the school with the students in it, she drew the line. She pretended to hang herself, and JD had cried. He mourned her death, and almost blew up a school full of people. Innocent teens that had their own problems.

Veronica. His dear Veronica. She came back to him. Her beauty was astounding. Her words rang through his head. He shouldn't be doing this. The students were never the monsters. Veronica was an angel. She could save them. He wanted to destroy them. He was the monster.

He never made it to his eighteenth birthday.

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