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Nico didn't know what he was doing. Well . . . he knew what he was doing, he just didn't know why he was doing it. That was also a lie though. He was doing it because he wanted to be accepted by his sister, and some of the Romans and Greeks that he had become friends with. He didn't want to lose them over a stupid decision he made in a five minute time span.

This brought him to the conclusion, that people would think of him as a masochist, or something similar, if he were to come out after this. The two camps had divided themselves, and half of each camp was opposite sides of each other. One side clearly marked with rainbows and colorful shirts, for the pro marriage equality supporters. The other marked with hateful signs, obviously against the marriage equality supporters.

Both sides had signs of different colors, shapes, and sizes that were used in attempts to justify their opinions.

"The bible is against your kind, and you're all going to hell!" Gwen could be heard yelling next to Nico. He flinched as he heard her words. The Romans did realize that Christianity was Rome's downfall, right?

"Just because we love people of the same gender? If it's a sin, then why were we created this way?" The savior of Olympus cried out. Percy's words held great meaning.

"You had a girlfriend, Percy." Nico heard his sister tell Percy.

"She broke up with me."

"But that means that you are straight." Gwen retorted. Stupid high pitched voice.

"It's called Bisexuality." Percy told her, his tongue sticking out.

"Oh! So a threesome? You like to have two partners at once. That is un acceptable! A boy and a girl at the same time? Never!"

That brought Nico over the edge. The homophobes couldn't even get their facts correct. Nico broke his sign in half, walking in between both groups. He chucked a piece at each Gwen and Percy, both of which caught the pieces before it hit them.

"You're all morons! First off, bisexuality is when you are attracted to both genders. Not to have two dates at once each time. Do not interrupt me. Second off, if you think seeing Percy and Jason kiss is disgusting then it's just as disgusting to see you and your significant other kiss. All you people! I know how you're feeling. You're all acting like idiots! Gay marriage has been legalized for over a year, and you just don't care that we cannot have another civil war over this. I'm from the 1930's and I'm okay with gay, hell I am gay!" Nico shouted. "Now all of you shut the fuck up, and go back to doing your normal activities or so help me, the dead will raise on you all. When I'm mad, I can summon thousands of legions!"

"But we have the freedom of speech!" Gwen protested, her tone angry.

"Fine." Nico responded, teeth grinding in annoyance. "You guys go first, and Frank and I will retort against your statement. Anti begin."

"Gay couples can't create life." Gwen started, smirking.

"If Aphrodite allows it they actually can, and there's also the fact that there are over 14 million orphans in the United States alone." Nico then pointed at the pro side.

"The only reason we need is our feelings!"

"Point taken."

"God says that it is not right!"

"I knew it! You are Christian! Christianity was the downfall of Rome, you imbecile." Nico shouted at the anti-gay person who had said that.

The smiles on the mostly Roman side faltered at that. Nico smirked, at their soon irritated facial expression.

"The world doesn't need fags!"

Nicos body movements stopped at the sound of that cursed word. The shadows started to stretch across the Long Island shore,  and hundreds upon hundreds of skeletal warriors emerged from the ground. The floor of which they (the anti side) stood cracked beneath their feet. Jason and Percy smiled, before assisting the young Ghost King in his anger. The seas thrashed, skies darkened, pegasi stomped on the ground in anger, and lightning  flashed above head with the rumbling thunder. Alone, they were each a force to be reckoned with, but together (especially when Thalia and Hazel were with them) they were unstoppable.

Screams erupted from both parties, and most people fled the scene. Jason and Percy eventually stopped their actions, but Nico's continued to grow worse. Black flames eventually erupted from the cracks in the ground. All others fled the scene to escape being burned (or whatever) by said flames. But one person in particular stayed.

"Nico di Angelo, what didi I say about using your powers!" One Will Solace yelled, his tone sounding somewhat aggravated.

The shadow's and skeletal warriors seemed to halt the sound of the Apollo child's voice. Soon enough, the light began to once again return to camp half blood as the darkness returned to its origin, along with the warriors. Nico stood in the middle, waiting for his crush of two months to scold him.

"Come on, let's go to a pride parade." Will suggest with a smile that melted Nico's heart. The son of Hades nodded, before starting to walk in step with Will.

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