Baby Daddy (Josh x Ben)

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"Really? You couldn't pretend to be gay for 20 minutes?" Bonnie complained to her son, Ben. If only you knew, Ben thought before his mother continued. "Your father pretended to be straight for twenty years!"

All Ben did was shake his head as his best friend, Tucker and his mother stalked away.

--At the Apartment--

"Why, Ben?" Bonnie asked her son once again.

Ben turned his head towards her, and glared. "I'm tired of your crazy . . . no, insane schemes, Mom!"

"Hmph." Bonnie replied, before stalking off to Danny's 'old' room to wallow in self pity. Ben growled at her actions before he picked Emma up from her playpen and carried her to his room.

"Do you think that we should move, Emma?" Ben asked his daughter, who gave a giggle and a clap in response. "Okay, I'll pack then. And I'll leave a letter."

Dear Mom, Danny, Riley, and Tucker:

Emma and I are moving out. You may know a lot about me, but you don't know some of the more important stuff. Like how I've been taking college courses online for almost three and a half years. I'm planning on becoming a teacher.

Mom: You know I love you, but I just can't be involved in anymore of your illegal activities. One more thing on my record and I won't be able to even apply for a teaching job anywhere.

Danny: I'll always love you, Bro. Nothing can change that. At all. Now, please be a man and go out with Riley.

Tucker: I'll be back one day, my best friend. And I expect you to forgive me. I love you, man. Your the best friend I could have.

Riley: You don't love me. You love, Danny and you always have. I do love you Riley, but I only love you as a sister. I just can't be with you.

See you at some point,

Ben & Emma

"Okay, Emma. We're packed up, and ready to go. And I know just where to go." Ben told his daughter as they silently left the apartment building. "Let's go visit Grandpa and Steve's place!"

And so they did.

--Wherever Ray and Steve's place--

Knock, knock, knock!

"Can you get, Steve?" Ray asked his boyfriend from the bathroom.

"Sure, Ray." Steve answered from his prior place on the couch, the T.V still making hushed noises. He opened the door to find Ben and Emma. "Hello. Ray! I think it's for you! Come in you two."

Ben smiled at his fathers boyfriend as a kind gesture before he and Emma walked into the living room. He took a seat on the couch, and took Emma out of the stroller that he had brought with them. He sat the small girl on his lap, and held her while he attempted to make small talk with Steve. Eventually they got there, and Ben ended up laughing hysterically. After a few minutes his laughter calmed, and it left him wondering why his dad was taking so long.

"Who-Ben?" Ray asked, obviously shocked.

"Hi, Dad." Ben replied awkwardly.

"What brings you here?"

"Could I stay with you for a while?" He asked looking at the couple with the saddest and most pleading face he could muster.

"Why? Don't you have a girlfriend and a life where you were?" Steve continued, his face scrunched in confusion.

"That's the thing. I'm stuck in between wanting and not wanting to be there. They don't know some of the most important things about me. Like how I'll be able to be a teacher by the start of the next school year. Or how I don't like one night stands. They don't know that the only reason I slept with Emma's mother was because she begged me to and because Tucker dared me to. They don't even know my sexuality. I'm not straight! Anything, but it actually. It doesn't seem that they even thought any of those things were possible." Ben explained, wrapping his arms around the small child on his lap.

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