Keigo x Ichigo

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Warnings: Boy x Boy. After 1,000 year war arch (Manga). Arranger involved. Lines from previous manga chapters.

"Wah?!" Keigo exclaims as Ichigo, Mizuiro, and himself looked at the wall with the top fifty exam scores posted on it. Ichigo had placed fifth in the whole class! "Here, take these nerd glasses, Captain Nerd Face!"

"No thanks." Ichigo replied, breaking the glasses.

"Wow, you really study hard, don't you?" Mizuiro asked, knowing full well why the strawberry studied as much as he did.

"I guess . . ." the carrot top replied, frowning slightly. "Having orange hair makes my life hard enough. No matter how many times I tell the older guys it's not died, they still wanna kick my butt. And the Faculty all have their eyes on me . . . which sucks. I've got a bad temper, so I get in fights easily. If the Faculty hassles me, I usually mouth off. Then they say I have a behavior problem and the whole thing snowballs. I've got a lot going against me, so I try to keep my grades up. The Faculty doesn't ride you so hard if you have good grades. That's why I study."

"Wow . . ." Keigo muttered under his breath, staring as Ichigo turned around.

"I guess . . . that would be rough . . . even for you." Mizuiro commented, feeling slightly guilty of the rumors he spread of Rukia and boy with the oddly colored hair.

Just now . . . the way Ichigo called the teachers, "The Faculty," . . . made them sound like institutional torture machines. That's kind of sad. Ichigo must have experienced all kinds of discrimination because of how he looks, things the rest of us can't imagine. Keigo thought, feeling bad for the boy that he had originally thought was a monster before they were friends.

"Isn't our Ichigo just the most adorable? His sad face is just as annoyingly adorable as his scowling face!" Keigo cried out, rushing and grabbing Ichigo into a hug from behind. Keigo rubbed his cheek in the others hair. "Our little Ichi's life has been a train wreck! Between his past, and reaper duties. Who knows when he'll ever get a vacation!"

"I'm not a possession, Keigo." Ichigo informed the brunette that now stood at his height. The stupid high schooler had decided to grow taller while he was off fighting the Quinces. He struggled free of the other's grip, before brushing himself off to look at who had placed before him. "How the hell did Shiro place higher than me?!"

"Relax, King. I only gotta point igher then ya." The horse chuckled out, ruffling the other's hair.

Ichigo glared at his counterpart, his honey brown eyes darkening into something of a freezing chocolate color. The hollow knew better than to touch his hair. Does anyone even know how much hair product he used to make less spikes be formed by his hair?! At least fifty dollars a week! Ichigo grabbed his hollows wrist, and started to twist it.

"Mercy!" The hollow yelped, barely in time to stop the bone(s) from breaking. "Anyway, i's lunch time, an evryun's waitin fer ya three. So . . . 'urry up er somethin."

Ichigo glared at the hollow once more, before heading to the roof. Ichigo glance down at his lunch before taking his chopsticks in his right hand and eating. His hollow soon following suit, but using his left hand. Ichigo had been ambidextrous before his hollow had split from him, but now it was awkward to use his left hand for certain things. He had also been bisexual before they had split, but now he was just gay. He hated the hand thing, but didn't really care about the gay part.

"So. Why are we up here?" The albino asked. He was frowning as he asked the group his question. They had all been rushed to the roof; with no explanation of course.

"Because. We've been nominated to do the dating challenge within our group of friends!" Tatsuki explained, her hand son her hips as though they would be victorious. "Here are the pairs; Rukia x Renji, Toshiro x Karin, Jinta x Yuzu, Keigo x Ichigo, Byakuya x Rangiku, Tatsuki x Shiro, Uryu x Orihime, Kon x Mizuiro, Chad x Chizuru, and Ikkaku x Yumichika."

"Any objections?"

"Why are Keigo and I paired together!" Ichigo exclaimed, cheeks dusted with a light blush.

"Because I had no other choice. Unless you'd prefer that Keigo date one of your sisters for a week and maybe when the challenge is done." Tatsuki replied, smirking as the strawberry teen sat down, not protesting anymore. "And whoever I said last in the group is the uke partner. I planned this using personalities in a relationship."

"I am not an uke!" Ichigo exclaimed, face turning a deeper red.

"Take care of him Keigo."

"My pleasure." Keigo replied, walking over to the strawberry. Ichigo looked furious at everyone, but didn't yell at the other teen who was stalking closer. Keigo walked behind Ichigo, and wrapped his arms around the other, and whispered in the boys ear. "Calm down, Ichi. It's only a week."

"Go to HELL!" Ichigo replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You leave me no choice." Keigo sighed before turning them to a side and crushing their lips together.

Shocked by this, Ichigo attempted to push the other away, hoping it would work; it didn't. The brown haired teen just continued to kiss the other in hopes of it being returned. Slowly but surely, Ichigo started to accept what was happening, and he grasped the fabric of others shirt. If the red blush was anything to go by, along with his mostly closed eyes, you could tell that he was enjoying what was happening.

With a slight whimper from Ichigo, Keigo pulled away. Still embracing the other, Keigo chuckled, "For someone who claims not to be an uke, you sure do seem like one."

"Shut it." Ichigo mumbled, hiding his face in the fabric covering the others chest.

"See? Uke material." Tatsuki pointed out to the other's. "It's only a week. We can handle it."

"Now let's see how the class reacts to this news." Tatsuki smirked, pulling Shiro with her.

--In Class--

"I always knew Kurosaki was gay, but an uke? Never thought it possible." One student murmured as the group walked into the room. Ichigo, the easily embarrassed person he is, had shoved his head into the crook of Keigo's neck while the other guided him towards his seat.

"They're so cute together!" Another exclaimed and squealed.

"Whatever." Ichigo murmured into Keigo's shoulder before he went to sit down in his seat.

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