Surviving (JD x Kurt)

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Kurt didn't know when Ram would be able to attend school again. Luckily, JD was a terrible shot. The bullet had only grazed his shoulder and given him a minor flesh wound. Ram had been shot just a few milliliters away from his heart. Ram had been put into a medically induced coma so that he wouldn't disrupt the healing process with excessive movement.

In the end, it wouldn't matter anyway. The suicide note that Veronica had forged had planted ideas into their parents heads, even though JD was taken to a psychiatric facility for a week for what he had done. Surprisingly, Ram's dad had visited him when he was in the hospital.

"Mr. Sweeney?" Kurt had asked.

"I've known you for 16 years, kid. You can call me Bill," the man grinned before sitting down and grabbing his hand. "I know the note was fake and all. I know my son, but I also know you and your father. No matter what he says, there's nothing wrong with you, you hear me? I don't care if you're really gay or not, and it doesn't matter. I don't care if you like boys, but Paul will. Don't listen to a word he says to put you down. All right?"

Kurt nodded his head with tears in his eyes, "Yeah, I got it. Thank you, Sir."

"This might be the last time I see you for a while, so until next time."

Kurt let out a choked sob as the door shut.

Bill Sweeney had been right. His father hadn't taken the note very well. He couldn't have interpreted it any worse actually. Once he had gotten home from the hospital, Paul had beat him to a pulp before he sent him to his room and refused to let him eat all weekend. He was only allowed to leave in order to go to the bathroom. His only saving grace was his eight year old sister.

"Kurt! Kuuuuuurt!" He heard a small voice whisper yell to him. When he opened his eyes, his little sister Jessica was staring at him with a biscuit in her hands.

Kurt took the biscuit with a small smile. His smile turned to worry quickly, "Jess, I appreciate the food, but you know what Dad will do if he finds out. I don't want you to get into trouble."

"Okay," Jessica said. She lunged at him to give him a hug. "I don't care what daddy says. I love you, even if you want to kiss boys and stuff. Kissing is icky."

Kurt laughed, "Yeah, I guess kissing is icky. Why don't you go to sleep?"

She nodded before creeping out of his room.

He was woken up early Monday morning so his father could set some rules for the next few months. He was only allowed to go to school and he had come home right after school unless he had football practice. He wasn't allowed to see Ram, and he wasn't allowed to go to any more "fag filled" parties. If he didn't have a date with a girl by the end of the week then he'd be confined to his room without food for the rest of his senior year. His father was dead set on keeping him 'straight'.

"Kurt!" Veronica Sawyer's voice rang through the halls of Westerburg High. Kurt didn't turn around. "Kurt! Please!"

"What do you want, slut?" He asked with less bite to his tone than usual.

"I didn't know what JD was planning. I wrote the note, but I didn't know that the bullets were real," Kurt turned around to see her staring at him with pleading eyes. "It was supposed to be a joke. You would wake up embarrassed, but it wouldn't be permanent."

"Listen here, Sawyer," he started, eyes darting around to the students surrounding them. "I'm sorry for what Ram and I said. We were angry. You and JD responded in a similar fashion."

Kurt sucked in a tank of air before sticking his hand out and saying, "Truce?"

Veronica looked surprised, "Um. Yeah . . . t-truce."

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