Realization (Mark Mardon x Barry)

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"I-I scare meta humans into hiding?" Barry frowned.

"All they see you do is capture metas," Hannah started. "They're scared you'll lock them up too. Because they have powers."

— 1 hour earlier —

"Don't let him touch you, Barry!" Cisco shouted over the comms.

"I know, Cisco," Barry dodged the metas hand as he tried to punch him. "Hal Ferron. Please, stop. I just want to talk."

"Like you just wanted to talk to the rest of the metas that you've put away?"

Barry sped ten feet away from the other meta, "it would've been nice to talk to them, but they were busy trying to kill me and my team."

Hal froze, "but you tried to talk to them?"

"Yes. If you come with me, I won't cuff you or anything." Barry threw the cuffs towards the police, put his hands at the level of his eyes, and walked closer.

"Fine." Hal huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Barry grinned, and sped them both to Star Labs. "A little warning next time?"

"Sorry, he has a problem with that. I'm Cisco Ramon," the Latino grinned.

"I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow," the woman smiled.

"So. . . Not that I don't love it here, but why am I here?" Hal asked, looking around.

"We wanted to know why you've been switching peoples genders. Hal-" Barry started.

"Call me Hannah, please."

Barry nodded, "victims have been talking to the CCPD about how they want to meet you again. They want to thank you."

Hannah smiled at the thought of the people she had changed, "I know how they feel. I just wanted to help them. No one should have to feel like that."

"I'm guessing that means that your powers don't work on yourself?"

"They do, but it takes a lot of energy to switch from male to female or vice versa." Hannah explained. "I have signed consent forms from everyone I changed if you need them."

"No it's fine," Barry sighed. More paperwork for him as a CSI. "Drop them off at CCPD later. Also, you said something about metas being scared of me earlier."

"Yes. They go into hiding."

— Present —

"Do you think I can fix it?"

Hannah walked up to Barry, and hugged him, "you can do it, but you need to figure out how."

"Thanks, Hannah."

"No problem, Barry."


"I wouldn't forget those eyes, Allen. Captain Singh may have recently hired me to be one of his new detectives." Hannah winked and walked out of the cortex leaving behind a blushing Barry.

"She got you good," Cisco laughed.

"I should start thinking."

If nothing else, Barry Allen was a good man. Or at least, he thought so. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Hannah wasn't wrong. He put metas in jail when they attacked. He didn't ask the metas why they did what they did. He didn't check up on them while they were in prison. He treated them like they were less than human.

Before he could even comprehend what he was doing, Barry had grabbed a pen and paper and rushed to Iron Heights. Who would he visit first? There were so many metas he had locked away. Mark Mardon was there, as well as Roy Bivolo, Shawna Baez, Sam Scudder, and more.

The Slash StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora