Somthing that you do that he loves

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Something that you do that he loves

Louis: You scrunch up your nose every time louis either pecks it or lightly touch it in some kind of away. He thinks it's the cutest thing in the world. Every time he sees you nose scrunch up he can't help but smile.

Niall: You always find yourself playing with his hair. It also seems to calm and relax him. Every time he comes home from work stressed, you would cuddle with him and you would play with his hair calming him down. He wouldn't know what he'd do if you didn't play with his hair.

Harry: You alway try to make kids smile and laugh. Every time he watches you around kids, he thinks about starting a family with you. Thinking how you would be an amazing mother. Watching you around kids always brings a smile to his face.

Liam: You always seem to make a funny face when you're around a mirror. It's just a weird habit. He thinks it makes you 10 times more adorable. Every time you looking in a mirror you make the weirdest faces. He always watches you laughing. Reminding you that he thinks your adorable.

Zayn: You always seem to stick out your tongue a little when you think. He thinks it's so cute. When he sees you tongue stick out as you read or do home work, he can't help but chuckling. Saying your his cute dork.

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