Preference #25- He Makes You Feel Insecure (Zayn and Harry) Part 2

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Zayn:      You sigh as you got up an hour before Zayn. You dreaded waking up early but now you have been waking up to make yourself look presentable for when Zayn woke up. Ever since the night of the club you have been terrified of loosing him. You knew that changing yourself was stupid but you would be devastated to loose a one year relationship over something so small.

         You sighed as you stood in front of the mirror. You slowly drag a brush with foundation on it across your face. You continue to the each tedious task of makeup. Making your eyeliner just right and what not.

        “(Y/N)?” Zayn groggily asks from the other room. You silently curse as you look at the clock. You furrow your brows as you noticed he’s usually still asleep. “Why are you putting that on your face now?” He asks as he walks threw the bathroom door. “You’re wasting perfect cuddling time you know that?” He grins softly as he snakes his tatted arms around your waist from behind then he gently places his chin on your shoulder. “I don’t even see why you even put that on. You look perfect all natural.” He frowns. “I miss your baggy clothes and all that.”

       You look in the mirror in disbelief and anger. “You got to be fucking kidding me.” You murmur before throwing his arms off of you. You stormed out of the bathroom as a sting of curse words leave your mouth. “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” Zayn questioned in confused. You tugged at your hair and you narrowed your eyes at him. “What’s wrong?” I snort. “Oh I’ll be glad to tell you. I saw and heard you at the club. You a fucking that chick and bashing me on how I god damn look.” You yell in rage. “The only reason why the oh natural is gone is because of you Zayn! I felt so god damn insecure because of what you said. That’s why I changed. I now get up an hour before you wake up to make myself look ‘presentable’ for you.”

        Zayn’s mouth opens and closes before his hand roughly goes threw his hair. “I screwed up.” He murmurs before looking at you. “I know what I said was terrible and I know I can’t take it back. My intoxicated mind said things that shouldn’t have said. That girl is pretty but she doesn’t compare to you and my love for you.” He walk over to you then he gently laces his fingers with yours. “I am truly sorry.” He frowns.

        Zayn quickly runs over to the bathroom and soon comes back with a wet cloth. He slowly comes back over to you and gently removes the makeup from your face. “There is the girl I fell in love with… Well kind of. The makeup kind of wanted to smudge and make you look like a clown but even as a clown you are beautiful.” He grins. You couldn’t help but giggle slightly before sighing. “Promise to not say anything like that again?” He nods before whispering. “Promise.”

Harry:        You stayed in the bathroom all night. You felt too hurt and disgusted to even leave. You found yourself falling asleep in the bathtub as tears flowed freely from your eyes. You couldn’t help it. You truly didn’t want to see harry after what he said. Acne was something that really ruined you. And, what he said just made the whole thing ten times worst.

        The next morning to woke up slightly to the click from the door. You kept your eyes closed as you heard quiet foot steps walk over to you. You felt the presanse kneel in front of you and gently touch your cheek. You frowned as you knew it was Harry and you moved your face away from him. You heard harry sigh sadly before you felt him carefully pick you up then bring you to your shared bed.

        As you felt him place you down, in a swift motion you covered your face with a pillow. “Please don’t be like that..” Harry whispered with hurt in his voice. You didn’t reply and a faint sniffle came from him. “I know you heard me (Y/N) and you have no clue on how sorry I am.” He said and you felt the bed sink in beside you. “I had no right to say the things I have said. I know this is a terrible excuse but yesterday was so stressful I had to say something to get my mind off it of. But, I ended up saying one of the most disgraceful things that I couldn’t have ever said.”

        You slowly moved the pillow from your face. You gulped, still not willing to speak or look at him. You eyes stayed on the wall as you felt his finger tips trace against your jawline. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, I will never say something that cruel about you again. I love you so much and to lose you after so long will just kill me.” He whispered as you slowly looking over into his eyes.

        “You know how much this hurts for me.” You gulp. “I’m not going to be comepletely okay with it for a couple days but I will forgive you.” You whisper. “If you dare say something like that ever again, I’m walking out of the door and never coming back.”

        Harry nodded before quickly pulling you in a hug. “I promise I’ll never hurt you again.” He murmurs into your neck. “I love you so much (Y/N).”

        “I love you too.”

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