Another Girl Wants Him (Part, 1)

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   ”Harry, Why did I let you convince me to com back here?” You groaned as you walked into the familiar school. “Don’t you think it would be nice to see your old friends at this reunion?” He asked you and you nod slightly. “If this is hell I’m dragging you out of there and telling I told you so the whole way back home.” You told him and he chuckled, wrapping an arm around you. “Don’t worry babe it will be fine.” He said pecking your temple.

        You took at deep breath before walking into the gym. You saw some familiar faces with name tags on their shirts. You walk over to get a name tag with Harry before hearing a voice you never wanted to hear in years. “(Y/N)! Is that you!” You turned around to see the school old popular girl Karley. “Hey Karley..” You said uneasily.

        Karley made your life a living hell. She spread rumors about, said rude things to you and always succeed to steal your boyfriend or date every guy you liked. You saw her take a glance at Harry and you knew she was going to pull one of her old antics.

        “It’s been so long!” Karley said, walking over giving you a hug. “Yeah it’s have.” You said hugging her back awkward;y. “Who is this?” She asked, her eyes scrolling up and down Harry’s body. “I’m Harry.” Harry said before shaking her hand. “Harry’s my boyfriend.” You said, saying the word boyfriend very clearly. You saw a smirk form on her lips. “Well hello Harry. Do you want to see (Y/N)’s yearbook photo?” She asked and your eyes widen. Before you could say no you watch her whisk Harry away and you quickly followed them.

        An hour has past and you stood there almost in tears. Karley has been telling every embarrassing moment to Harry and flirting with him the whole time. It made it worst that he wasn’t doing anything about it. Harry didn’t seem to notice that you were having this worst time of your life. His eyes where glued on Karley. You knew you where going to break at any moment.

         ”I’ll be right back.” You said quickly before quickly making your way to the bathroom. Harry only nodded, his attention still on Karley. You bit your lip as you felt a tear slip down you cheek. You walked into the bathroom and looked at the mirror. “Nothing bad will happen.” You reasurred yourself, wiping your tears away. “He’s dating me, he wouldn’t do such a thing like that.” You whispered and calmed yourself down.

        You took a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom. You scan around the room to find the place where Karley and Harry where, Your eyes widened as you saw they where there anymore. “He wouldn’t” You said before looking around the room. Neither Karley or Harry was there.

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