Broken Promises

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Harry: “You promised.” You said pouting threw the phone. “I know, I know kitten and you seriously don’t know how guilty I feel right now.” He sighs sadly. “Management wanted us to do one last interview out of the blue, I could’ve gone home to see you tomorrow if I could I would in a heart beat.” Harry said and your heart sadly broke knowing he wont be home soon as you thought. “I just miss you go much Haz.” You say, your voice cracking at the end. “Please don’t cry, it just makes this worst. I will be home soon and I’ll make it up to you. That will be a promise I wont break, I swear.”

Zayn: “Boo please don’t leave me, I need you.” Zayn begged as you packed your bags. “I didn’t mean too.” He said and you stopped him from talking. “Stop Zayn. You promised you would never hurt me.” You said trying to keep your voice strong as possible but you knew that you wouldn’t last long. “You broke that promise to me Zayn. You lost my trust, I don’t want to hear you lies or excuses from you. I’m sorry Zayn but not everything ends with happy endings.” You said before grabbing your duffle-bag, making your way to the door. Zayn quickly grabbed on to your arms lightly. “(Y/N), please.” All you did was shook your head. “Promises of the heart shouldn’t be broken.” You said before leaving, and not looking back.

Louis: “You broke your promise.” You pouted, watching Louis get another goal in the net. “You promised you would go easy on me.” You said and Louis laughed. “I am going easy on you.” He said kicking the ball back over to you. “Louis, kicking my ass isn’t going easy on me.” You whined before looking at him with sad puppy dog eyes. “You are a meanie.” You crossed your arms and he chuckled before wrapping his arms around you. “I’m sorry baby, I will be more easy on you. Even though you are very sexy when you’re frustrated.” He smirks pecking your temple.

Liam: “Hey you promised!” He whines after getting hit with a nerf gun bullet. “You promised you wouldn’t shoot we, I THOUGHT WE WHERE A TEAM!” Liam yells dramatically and you laughed. “Sorry li, I made a deal with the devil.” You laughed shooting him again with the nerf gun. “Who’s this mean devil that made you break your promise?” He asked pouting. “(Y/N) WE WIN NANDOS TIME!” You both hear Niall yell down the hall. “Breaking a promise for food, should’ve saw it coming.” Liam sadi, shaking his head while you laugh.

Niall: “You promised you would fight and wouldn’t give up.” He sobbed out, holding the bouquet of flowers in his hands. “God, I miss you so much why did you have to break that promise and leave me.” He said, sniffling before placing the flowers in front of your grave. “At least your not in pain anymore.” He says, lightly tracing your name engraved the stone with his finger. “Soon, (Y/N). Soon I’ll be with you.” He sobbed. “And we will be together for ever.”

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