He hits you in a fight (part 2)

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Harry: You woke up the next day with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. You walked into the bathroom build in to the bed room. You looked in the mirror to see a small bruise under your left eye. A shaky sigh left your mouth as you left the bathroom and went to the bed room door. You stood looking at the door wondering if you where ready to face Harry. You took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. You saw a puffy eyes Harry, laying on the floor in front of the door. You can see the pain in his facial features. “Harry” you said quietly. He eyes quickly shot open and he stood up. “(Y/N).” He sees the small bruise under your eye and a tear falls down his cheek. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt. I love you so much. I promise ill never do it again. Please don’t leave me.” He said crying. You looked at Harry knowing you loved him so much and you couldn’t leave him. “I love you too.” You said hugging him. He quickly wrapped his arms around you. Holding you tight. “I’ll never hurt you again (y/n), I promise to make you feel like the only girl in the world.”

Niall: You ran down the street with tears streaming down your face. You still felt a little of pain in your cheek. You know you will have a bruise the next morning. You turned the corner and you stopped running to catch your breath. You kept walking, crying slightly. Suddenly you felt arms grip around you and you screamed. “It’s ok princess it’s just me.” Said the familiar Irish voice. “Let me go” you say trying to sound sternly, but sadly came up weak. “No, if I do I’ll lose you forever.” He said with his voice crack. You looked at him. His eyes where puffy and red. “(Y/N), I’m sorry that I hurt you. I promise I won’t hurt you again, ill stop drinking and ill stick by you more often. Please don’t leave me. I-I love you so so much.” Tears streamed down his face. You could tell that he regretted what he done. You leant in and softly kisses his lips. “I love you to Niall.” You said caressing his cheek. A small smile formed on his face. “I promise you won’t regret giving me a second chance.” He said “I know I won’t.”

Louis: You stayed in the fair corner of the room for 15 minutes. You where scared to move. You looked around not seeing Louis. You slowly got up and walked to the bathroom. You stopped at the bedroom door hearing sobs from inside. “She’s never going to forgive me.” You heard Louis say. You presses your ear to the door. “I hurt the girl I love. I regret it so much.” He sniffles. “She didn’t mean to do it and I took it over board. I made the biggest mistake of my life. And I’m going to lose her.” You slowly opened the door to see louis with his head down and his phone to his ear. You bit you lip know that you couldn’t leave him. You loved him more then anything. You stepped closer. “Your not going loose me Lou.” You says quietly. He head popped up and he quickly engulfed you in a hug. “I’m sorry.” He said repeatedly, crying into your neck. You held him tightly. “Just don’t do it again, ok?” You said kissing his head. He looked at you. “I promise ill never hurt you again. I don’t know if I can forgive myself now.” You wiped one of his years away. “I love you so much (Y/N).” He said. “I love you too.”

Zayn: You packed your bags as fast as you can, wanting to leave as fast as you could. “Please don’t go.” You heard a weak voice behind you. You turned around to see Zayn. Tears where falling down his cheeks. “I’m sorry (Y/N). I’m so sorry I hit you. Please, please don’t leave me.” You stood there not knowing what to say. You grabbed your bag. “Zayn, I don’t know. What if it happens again?” You said with tears threatening to fall again. He moves closer. “Will never hurt you again. I love you so much and I regret hitting you so much. I never wanted to hurt you, I didn’t know what over came me. God I hate myself so much right now.” You looked in your boyfriend’s hurt eyes. You dropped the bag. “One more chance Malik, don’t ruin it.” A big smile formed on his face and he quickly wrapped his arms around, giving you a tight hug. “I promise, I won’t.”

Liam: You ran to a close by park. You stopped by a tree and you wiped one of your tears away. “(Y/N)!” You Hurd a familiar voice yell. You turned around to see Liam running over to you. You tried to quickly get away but he grabbed your arm. “(Y/N) please I’m sorry that I hit you and please let me explain.” He said crying slightly. You looked in his puppy brown eyes and gave in. You nodded. “Fine.” You said quietly. “I didn’t mean to hurt you and I’m so sorry for hitting you, but you didn’t let me explain. That was my cousin. I asked for her help. I needed a girls opinion so I could buy this.” He pulled out a small black box. You gasps and looked at him. “I know this is not the best time but I don’t want to lose you.” He said getting on one knee. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), I love you with all my heart. I made a huge mistake by hurting you today and I’m so sorry. I promise I won’t hurt you again and I will treat you like your the queen. (Y/N) please give me a chance and marry me.” He opened the box showing a beautiful ring. You put your hand to your mouth in shock. You knew you loved Liam and you knew he wouldn’t do it again. You nodded. “Yes Liam, yes!” He smiled and jumped up, giving you a passionate kiss. He slipped the ring on your finger. “Thank you (Y/N), I live you so much.” “I love you too Li.”

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