He Makes You Feel Insecure (Louis, Part 2) (Your P.O.V)

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I sigh as I find myself starring into a mirror once again. My hands tailing over to my stomach lifting up my shirt. I shouldn’t be doing this but for Louis to actually notice something so small… It’s playing with my mind in a terrible way. It feels like two half’s of my brain are fighting. One sigh saying. “Your fine beautiful, remember what your mom said. Love doesn’t matter about the weight or looks. The things that truly matter is the person and how much you love them.” The side was strongest but my other side of my brain always have to but in. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt losing a couples pounds. Louis makes you happy all the time. You could a little something for him.”

        I sigh trying my best to push the fight of thoughts in the back of my head. I let my shirt fall before I make my way to the bathroom. I bite my lip before standing on the scale that’s place next to the sink. I bite by lip as I watch the numbers goes up.

        Right then my mind played a cruel trick. The scales numbers started to go up in a abnormal speed. I mind made it seem like the scale broke under my feet. I quickly got off it, flinging myself into the wall. 
I breakdown then and their. The bad side of my brain has gotten full power.

       Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed into my hands. “H-He’s right.” I sobbed out. “How couldn’t I notice. I’m surprised he didn’t get rid of me yet.” I cried.

        I continues to bash myself. Making myself feel worst and worst. The things my mother told me was long gone from existence.

        A couple minutes I heard a knock on the bathroom door. “(Y/N)? Are you in there?” Louis asked softly. “N-No.” I muttered. “There is just an overweight girl in hear.” My words only came out in a whisper.

        My head looks over at the now opened door. “What are you talking about? You’re beauti-” You laugh obnoxiously before he could finish. “Yeah right.” I spat before my eyes shoot daggers at him. “I hurt you on the phone with Liam. I know what you said. I guess you where right. I did gain weight. I broke the fucking scale.” My voice was full of anger. The sadness that was there was barely heard.

        Louis face was stricken with pain. “I-I’m so sorry.” He chocked out and I rolled my eyes. “No you’re not.” I shook my head before looking down.

        Louis slowly came over and he knelled in front of me. “I am.” His finger come up and softly lifted my chin up. “If I could take back what I said I would so much. T-That day wasn’t one of my best ones. Work got stressful, people started to get on my nerves.” He let out a shaky sigh. “When I was on the phone with Liam he honestly asked how I was feeling. My idiot stubborn self decided to tell the most cruel and regretful lie ever.” Louis looking into my now teary eyes. “I’m so sorry. I’m a terrible boyfriend for even making that lie up. (Y/N) you’re perfect. You’re smile brightens up a room. Your weight is honestly perfect and don’t think anything different.”

        I sniffle. “Promise…” I mutter, looking into his eyes. “Promise.” He whispers before softly pecking my forehead. “I love you. Remember that.” He mumbles into my skin. “I love you too.”

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