Another Girl Wants Him (Liam, Part 1)

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You stood at your childhood home fixing Liam’s tie. “Are you sure your family will like me?” He asks nervously. “You will be fine. I love you and that’s all they will care about.” You smile. “So stop worrying before you pee yourself.” You giggle and he rolls his eyes playfully. “Ha ha.” He says sarcastically.

        You knocked on your door and very soon your mom opens the door. “(Y/N)!” She pulls you into a tight hug. “Hi mom.” You laugh as she move her eyes to Liam. “You must be the boy (Y/N) doesn’t shut up about.” Your mom says happily. “Mom! Filter!” Liam chuckles and you playfully hit his arm before you both made your way inside.

        You watched as Liam nervously shakes your dad’s hand as you all got to the living room. “Hey mom where’s Rachel?” You asked before sitting down on the couch with Liam. “She’s getting ready, one second.” Your mom goes over to the stair case. “Rachel!” “One second mom!” Your sister yelled back.

        Soon you saw your sister come down the stairs. You looked at her differently. She was dresses up and she was wearing makeup. You never saw her every try to go all out for anything. “So you must be Liam.” Rachel said, her finger twirls a strand of her hair. She came over and sat right beside him.

        Your eyes widen. You cussed in your mind, you could believe she was up to her old antics. Rachel was the sister that loves to out do you. Which also means she likes to show you that she’s prettier being able to snatch up your boyfriends from right under your nose. Sadly in the end the guy would go to her.

        You looked at your mom pleading for help. “Rachel why don’t you help me with dinner?” Your mom asked, you silently thanked her a thousand times in your head. “But I want to get to know our guest more. I want to see if she’s good enough for (Y/N)” She said innocently, you know that it was all a lie, she used set phrase more then once. You knew what Rachel was doing and you wanted to call her out but you couldn’t not right now.

        You sat there having to deal with your sister flirting with your boyfriend. Liam didn’t even to seem to notice or stop it. Thank god soon enough your dad came in saying Dinner was ready and you all made your way to the dinning room.

        Yet again your sister sat beside Liam during the whole dinner. Liam smiles apologetic but all you could do was sigh and leave for the kitchen to help your mom with the dishes. “(Y/N), Liam’s nice I think he’s a keeper.” Your mom smile as washed the dishes you you dried. All you did was smile a little. Your mom frowned, turning to you. “(Y/N), hun what’s wrong?” She crosses her arms. “She’s doing it again mom. She’s trying to make a move on Liam!” You frown. “Honey, Liam seems like a nice guy, if he loves you, Rachel’s little chats with him wont affect him. I can tell he loves you so don’t worry.” Your mom says and you nod, thanking her.

        Soon as the dishes where don’t you made your way down the hall looking for Liam. You herd a little bang and you quickly turned the corner. Your eyes widen at the sigh in front of you. Liam’s body was pushed against the wall, his lips attached to your sisters.

        You felt a tear run down your cheek. “How dare you.” You yelled at your sister and Liam’s quickly pushed her away. “(Y/N)!” He gasped. “It’s not what it lo-” You stopped him. “Out!” You yelled. “(Y/N).” Liam begged. “I said out!” You glared at your sister. “You too.” You growled. “I can’t believe you, why can’t you let me be happy, I don’t want to see you ever again. I can’t stand you.” You spat. “Both of you leave now.”

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