He hit you in a fight (part 1)

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Harry: You heard the door slam shut. You sighed knowing Harry came home in a bad mood. You got off the couch and made you way to the door. “Hey Harry.” You said softly. All he did was nod and walk to the kitchen. You sighed and walked after him. “What’s wrong?” You ask. “Can you just leave me alone (y/n)!” Harry yelled. You felt anger run threw your body. “What’s your problem! I’m trying to be a good girlfriend and ask what’s wrong!” You felt a stinging feeling in your cheek. You stumbled back with your hand on your cheek, look at your boyfriend with fear. He hit you, you never though he would but he hit you. Realization hit his face and he looked at you. “(Y/N).” He said moving closer to you. You back away and whimper. “Babe I’m sorry.” He croaked out. You shook your head. “You hit me.” You run to your shared room, looking the door. Crying yourself to sleep.

Niall: You were at a club with your boyfriend Niall and your friends. You say down with Eleanor. “Where’s Niall?” She asked. You shrugged, frowning. “I have no clue.” She gave you a sympathetic look. You smiled slightly and looked back at the people dancing. After a couple of minutes you see Liam walk up. “(Y/N), you might want to take Niall home. He has one to many.” Liam said sadly. You sighed, getting out of the chair. “I guess ill to talk you guys some other day.” They both nod, as you start looking for your drunk boyfriend. You spotted him next to the bar talking to a blind bimbo. A little bit of anger and jealously hit your veins. You walked over. “Niall come on the boys said its time for you to go back home.” You said calmly, grabbing hold of his arm. “I’m fine.” He slurred, getting out of your grip. You groaned. “Come on Niall, let go home now.” “I said I’m fine! Now leave me alone!” You moved back slightly as you felt pain in your cheek. His instantly sobered up. “Princess, I didn’t mean to I’m sorry.” But, it was too late you where already running out of the club, with tears running down your cheeks.

Louis: You two have been fighting for 30 minutes now. It all started after you accidentally broke something of louis. “Louis I’m sorry ok! Ill get you a new one!” You yelled at your stubborn boyfriend. “No (y/n)! I won’t be the fucking same!” He yelled back clenching his fists. “Why the hell wouldn’t it be the same!” “Because it was my grandmas (y/n)! And it was special to her!” He yelled. “I’m sure she will understand the mistake louis!” You yelled. Out of nowhere you felt someone make contact to the side of your face and you fell to the ground. A tear fell down as you looked at your shocked boyfriend. He moved closer trying to say something but you moved away scared. Not wanting to see if he would do it again.

Zayn: It happened again. You saw another magazine with Zayn and this random chick and you where getting sick of it. You stormed into the flat and dropped the magazine in front of him. “Again Zayn, I’ve seen this again.” He groaned. “Really (y/n)? We have to talk about this now. And again it’s not real.” You looked at him mad. “Yes we have to talk about it now. Or is our relationship not important anymore?” He stood up. “Ok I didn’t say that (y/n).” You scoffed. “Than why can I get an explanation now?” You yelled. “MAYBE BECAUSE I’VE HAD A BAD DAY AND I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH THIS SHIT.” He yelled, swinging he hand, slapping your across your cheek. You quickly moved away from him. He looked at you with a face full of regret. “Your right Zayn, we shouldn’t talk about it.” You said with your voice cracking at the end. You ran to your shared room getting out your suitcase. Getting read to not look back.

Liam: It was your lunch break and you where walking to your favorite coffee shop. You stop in your tracks when you saw Liam and a girl leave a store. You walked over just to make sure. And you where right. You saw Liam give the girl a hug and he smiles. “Liam Payne!” You shrieked an he looked at you in shock. “(Y/n)! It’s not what it looks like!” You looked at him in disgust. “Oh really so I didn’t just see you leave a store with a girl and hug her?” “(Y/n) let me just try and explain.” Liam said. “Explain wait that your cheating on me?” He was about to say something but you stopped him. “Really think that you can get more then one girl wow.” You felt a sharp pain in your cheek and you gasped. You moved away from him. “Oh god (y/n), I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He said with tears in his eyes. All you did was shake your head and quickly ran away.

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