Another Girl Wants Him (Louis part 2)

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      You sat there on your friends couch, starring at her Christmas tree. You felt lifeless and broken. You never left this spot. You where too afraid to leave and get broken again.

        It was the day before Christmas or as you also known it as Louis birthday. Question’s where running threw your head. Is Louis spending it with Kayla? Is he still with her? Did he replace you with someone so cruel? You never thought you would be like this because of Louis. You thought he loved you. That he wouldn’t be fooled by someones fake act and go straight to them. Leaving you here wishing you never existed.

        Your thoughts left you as Alice’s doorbell rang. You looked up the stairs as Alice’s voice ran. “(Y/N) I know you’re hurt but please open the door for me. I’m kinda in a sticky situation.” You sighed and forced yourself with the energy you had left to go answer the door.

         Soon as you opened the door you saw the one person you never wanted to see ever again. “Kayla.” You said emotionless. You watched as her jaw clenched. “You ruin everything!” She yells and you step back. “Louis is so sad because you’re gone that I can’t make him see that he has me! He should be having fun on his birthday with his new love of his life!” She yelled and you just tilted your head. “Are you seriously that stupid?” You asked and her mouth opened.

        “What did you just call me?” She asked, her fame red with anger. “Why are you so stupid?” You asked again, the hurt in your voice had disappeared. It’s now filled with annoyance and wanting her to leave. “I’m not stup-” You stopped her from talking. “Yes you are. You tricked your mind to think you can get everything you want. You think you can hurt anyone you want and others don’t care. You’re a spoiled fucking brat.” You yelled. She crossed her arms. “Then why hasn’t Louis kicked me out huh? Explain to me that, if he did want me he would’ve kicked me out (Y/N).” She said in a snooty voice as she fought back.

        Before you can say anything a another voice butted in. “Because you never gave me the light of day to talk.” You looked over Kayla’s should to see Louis. Your heart broke as you saw him. He was paler then ever, he had dark bags under his red swollen eyes. You could tell he was hurt as much as you. “Louis baby, what are you doing here?” Said Kayla in sweet voice so fake even a toddler could now it. “Don’t call me baby.” Louis spat.

        Kayla gasped. “Louis what’s gotten into you? You seriously cannot be thinking about going back to (Y/N).” You felt the hatred towards you in her voice. “Why don’t you understand that I don’t want you Kayla! I love (Y/N) with all my heart, not you.” He yelled, his patients towards Kayla has wearied off. “Then why did you think about coming to me before hand?” She asked and he groaned. “I felt bad for you, but now I just want you gone. You made the person I love so much leave. You made one of my worst nightmares come to life. I’m sorry Kayla but this little world you have in your head, will never come a reality.” He said before walking past her and over to you.

        You felt his thumb lightly swipe a tear from under your cheek. “I’m sorry (Y/N).” He sniffled. “Louis don’t do this, you know you want me!” You herd Kayla yell. “Just leave Kayla, I have to make someone I care about forgive me.” Louis said, his eyes never leaving yours. “Your bags are in the car also.” He said and a small smile popped up on your face.

       Kayla screamed and stormed away. The whole time Louis’s eyes where on you. “(Y/N) I’m so s-” You stopped him. “I know.” You whispered. “Does this mean you forgive me?” He asked. “I promise I do whatever it takes to never lose your trust again.” He took a deep breath. “And I also know one way how to prove it.”

        You gasped as you watched him go on one knee. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), I love you with all my heart. I knew that ever since I was a idiot and accidentally hit you with a football at the park where we first met.” He chuckled lightly. “Today is my birthday, and the best present would be to know at one point soon you will be my wife. So please to let you know all my trust is in you and all my love is for you and only. Will you marry me.” He took a red velvet box out of his pocket to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

        All you could do is nod and he smiled before getting up and kissing you passionately while slipping the ring on your finger. He pulled away. “Thank you so much.” He smiled. “I love you so much.” You smiled. “I love you too Louis, I love you more thank anything.”

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