Another Girl Wants Him (Harry Part 2)

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     You huffed as you looked around the room for the 10th time. “I swear if Karley makes a move I willo find Mr. Steeves meter stick and shove it up her ass.” You mumble to yourself as you stop at the gyms exit.

        You open the door and quietly made your way down the hall. “So Harry how long have you and (Y/N) been dating?” You herd Karley ask in the distance. You over the corner to see Karley in front of Harry. “Close to two years. Why?” Harry asked and you watch Karley move a bit closer. “Wow that’s a long time. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be with a better woman? Some who can most deffinatly can please you so much more then little oh (Y/N).” You could feel the smirk grow across Karley’s face.

        Before she could make her next move you turn the corner to face them. “You got to fucking kidding me! Karley will you ever grow up?” You said with confidance in your veins. “What (Y/N)? Afraid of another guy leaving you for someone so much better then you?” Karley said with a smirk.

        You saw Harry was about to let a couple words of his own but you stopped him. “Harry this is my problem not yours.” You said and watched him move over to you. “Harry why are you going back over to that loser?” Karley said in disbelief. “Karley you need to understand the it isn’t high school anymore. I’m not that nerd that use to run these halls afraid of everyone. Now i’m an adult that’s not afriad to fight. You don’t scare my anymore Karley. You’re still wasting your life trying to hurt me while I moved on. You are just acting like a whore and most guys don’t want one. The ones that do will treat you like shit.” You said with slight anger in your voice.

        Karley clenched her jaw and looked at you with pure venom. “You’re just jealous of me. You’re jealous that I’m prettier, can get every guy I wont and you just there, thinking you’re not the nerd you where but take the truth you are.” You laugh a little in amusement. “You seriously think i’m jealous of you? I love my life right now, I wouldn’t change it at all to be like yours. I don’t need all the guys in this damn world because I have harry. And, Karley I would make that pretty comment another time when all those premature wrinkles weren’t showing from your smoking days.”

        You turned to Harry while Karley stood there in shock. “Babe can we go home now, someone need to be punished for spending his time with Karley here.” You said taking his hand and walking to the schools exit. “Fuck you’re hot when you tell someone off.” Harry said before pulling you close. “Ah ah ah Styles you’re still going to be punished so no touching until we get home.”

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