What he does when your sick

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What he does when your sick.

Zayn: He gives you a little bell to ring for when you need something. You tell him he doesn't need to do anything but he still does. At the end of the day you find ringing the bell once. Just so you two can cuddle.

Liam: He makes sure your always comfortable. Asking you every 20 minutes if you need more blankets, pillows or anything. You giggle every time he asks. Thinking his way he wants to make sure your ok is so cute.

Niall: He knows how much you love to watch movies. So when your sick he pulls out the move collection. Asking if you need anything before he sets up the movie. You always shake your head, just wanting to cuddle with him. He smiles putting in your favorite movie. Then crawls in bed beside you.

Louis: He always tries to make you laugh. Your mom once said that laughter is the best medicine and louis agrees. At random moments he will tell terrible jokes that sometimes makes you laugh. Then if he doesn't know what to do next he will turn on the comedy channel. Then brings light snacks over to you, cuddling you until you fall asleep.

Harry: he always seems to drop everything when he finds out your sick. If he's at work and he finds out, he will make an excuse. Just to go home and take care of you. You alway tell him he doesn't have to. But, every time his response is. "I don't care, I want to be the one to make you feel better every time your sick, injured or sad. I want to be the one to help you threw it."

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