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My tattoo appeared today, August 30.

My tattoo is a pair of thick rimmed glasses, and when I saw them, I chuckled and predicted that my soulmate will be a nerd.

I wonder who he is?

My dad, Tristan McLean, (yes, the famous one) is constantly everywhere. I have probably met, or at least seen every single person in New York.

Besides, I am actually popular, not that I want to be. Everyone just gravitated towards me because my dad is famous.

I have been able to play small roles in some of his movies.

My friends and I are definitely the "in" crowd, and kinda rule the school.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to start paying more attention to the smart kids.

Unless he isn't smart. I will laugh so hard if he is an idiot with glasses.

Can't wait to meet him :)

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