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I hate my tattoo.

I hate it.
I hate it.


I loathe it.

I probably hate my soulmate too.

I wanted something cool, like a skull. Or the moon. Or something.

But no. Of course it has to be the opposite.

When it appeared on my arm on August 2, I just facepalmed and sat there without moving for at least 4 minutes.

It just had to be a picture of the sun, with a music note next to it.

Could my soulmate be any different from me? I guess not.

Just my luck.

I'm not musical, at all. And the sun is a bit too bright for my tastes. I would rather have the moon.

I have been asked about my sexuality a few times, and I can tell you with complete honesty that I'm not sure.

I've never dated before. I don't have many friends.

In other words, I've never had a crush before. So I have no idea whether I'm straight, gay, bi.....

I find guys attractive, though.

But wait, Nico! You say. If you have no friends, then who has asked you about your sexuality?

My idiot cousin, Percy Jackson.

Don't get me wrong, I love him. He's currently my only friend. However, I've started to get to know his friends. (Not by my choosing) Anyway, that's beside the point.

Point is, I'm just a really confused, lonely, irritated bean. Erp.

Soul Mates AU (Heroes of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now