I Care About You

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(Piper's POV)

I dart through the hallways, vision blurred.

I need to get out of here.

I need out- now.

As I pass classroom after classroom, and about ten different seas of lockers, I stop.

There, that's where I'll go. The roof. No one goes up there, and it's raining, so no one will follow me.

I open the door and run up the stairs, bawling. I'm so weak, it's stupid.

I reach the top, and it's a downpour, soaking me to the bone. I don't have any extra clothes, but I couldn't care less about that right now.

I see the only dry spot on the whole roof, and I take refuge there.

It's horribly depressing, just sitting up here, crying, all alone in the rain. It's so cliché, yet so real.

I'm completely drenched from the rain, and my wet hair keeps falling limp in front of my eyes. I brush it away, burying my face in my knees and pulling them tight to my chest.

Everything that they said to me just keeps echoing through my head....

".... you wouldn't understand the concept that someone might actually want to talk to you, right?"

"He would rather parent strangers than his own disappointment of a daughter!"

"No one likes you, and no one cares about you. Especially not Jason!"

"You're ugly, fat, annoying, weak, and have no life! No one wants you, moron. Tough luck."

I hate this. I can't do this anymore. I wish I could just forget all of it, or go back in time and snip it at the bud. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

What am I going to do?

I sob harder, ignoring my wet clothes and hair. The weather is reflecting my mood exceptionally well.

If only my mood was sunny like it used to be.

I think I hear thunder rumble off in the distance, but I make no move to go anywhere. I'm not going back in there.


I hear my name, and I snap my head up, quickly quieting down as much as possible, turning my sobs into sniffles.

Oh my gods.

That was the voice of Jason Grace.

"J-Jason?" I call back after a minute or so, and he sprints over to me. He's soaking wet from the rain, and has concern written all over his face. He crouches down next to me.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" He asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shake my head, more tears slipping down my face in silence.

He sits down next to me, and pulls me into a tight, wet hug. I hesitantly lean my head on his shoulder. His embrace feels so safe, and so, very, ridiculously good. It lifts my spirits a little.

But, I'm crying in front of Jason Grace.

This is absolutely mortifying.

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