Tell Me More!

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(Rachel's POV)

After aimlessly running through the halls with Katie, I jump at the sound of the bell.

Lunch just ended, and we haven't found Piper.

"Rachel, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know."

The halls fill with our peers, coming to their lockers and then their classes. Katie spots Annabeth across the hall, and waves to her.

"Tell me you found Piper," Annabeth says quickly as she runs up to us. I shake my head.

"Where's Jason?"

"I haven't seen him- we separated."

Just then, Percy runs up to us. "Tell me you found Piper," he says, appearing at Annabeth's side. Did she just blush a little?

"No, we didn't. Are you sure she never came back?"


"Okay, calm down. We'll find her."

All of the sudden, Grover and Leo appear.

Leo is urging Grover to go faster, but he's already running. When they reach us, Grover bends over to catch his breath and Leo looks at all of us.

"Tell me you found Piper!"

Katie groans. "No, we didn't! This is terrible!"

"Well, then where's Jason?" He asks, nervously biting his lip.

Annabeth sighs. "We came to a fork in the hallway and decided to split up. Maybe he's with her now."

"Did you find Piper?" Will asks worriedly, approaching us with Nico and Hazel.

"No," Annabeth says sadly, and Katie and I clench our jaws.

"What about Jason?"

"We lost him too- I hope he's with Piper."

"Hey, guys!"

We turn around to see Calypso, Frank, and Thalia. "Tell us you found Piper."

"Well, sorry, we didn't," I say loudly, covering my face with my hand.

The hallways are starting to clear, for everyone is going to their classes.

Then, the Stolls are here. "Rachel, what's wrong?" Connor asks, and I just sniffle. Travis looks at all of us.

"Tell me you found Piper?"


Everyone shrinks back at my sudden outburst, but Katie puts an arm around me. "I'm sure she's okay."

"Where's Jason?" Connor asks cautiously.

Percy sighs. "Hopefully, wherever Piper is. He and Annabeth separated to look for her."

The hallways are officially empty now, and I'm sure we're all tardy. Suddenly, we all get a text.

Leo pulls out his phone first. "OH MY GODS, IT'S FROM PIPER!"

Piper: I want you all to know that I'm okay, I just... needed to get away. I'll tell you all about what happened after school- I know I've got a lot of explaining to do. Oh, and don't worry, Jason is with me. Now go and get to class!

Soul Mates AU (Heroes of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now