Will and Nico Stay in The Closet

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This chapter is going to change POVs a lot, just to warn you.

(Travis' POV)

Oh my gods.

Are you serious?

Connor keeps staring at me across the room while Frank answers his Truth. I send Connor a quick, ferocious glare. He slightly raises his hands in surrender.

So...... Katie.

She's my soulmate.

When she told us what she thought her soulmate's tattoo would look like, she said it would probably be a daisy.

My tattoo is a daisy. Not any flower, a daisy.

But, what if her guess was wrong? you ask. Well, I would just brush it off, except for the fact that she showed us her tattoo.

That's right- the tattoo on her arm? That winged keychain? That's mine.

That winged keychain is my prized possession- it's from my dad. I love it, and carry it around in pocket 24/7.

And, there is a perfect sketch of it permanently etched into Katie's arm.

Connor knows all of this. So, of course, he had to make a scene and let everyone know that he knows who Katie's soulmate is.

It's me.

It's me?

It's me?!

When Katie rolled up her sleeve, I choked. I have had a crush on Katie for..... well..... I don't know how long. It's been awhile.

However, I never dreamed in a million years that we would ever even date, let alone be soulmates!

I mean, not to put myself down or anything, but she is out of my league. I know it, I've accepted it, I've moved past it. She's popular, smart, pretty, on Student Council, and I'm pretty sure she got nominated for Homecoming Court, along with Piper, Drew, Rachel, and Lacy.

I, on the other hand, am not popular. Sure, I'm well known for my pranks and troublemaker-ness around school, but there's a difference between being known and being popular. I'm not in her league.

Heck, I'm not even in her solar system.

So how on earth are we soulmates?

And, more importantly, how am I supposed to break the news to her? How am I supposed to tell her that the supposed love of her life is a scrawny, immature, awkward loser? How am I supposed to tell her that it's me?

(Jason's POV)



"You still look like a purple highlighter."

"Shut up," I groan, and Percy laughs at me. Reyna smirks at me from across the circle, and I roll my eyes.

Thank you. I mouth to her sarcastically, and she smiles cheekily and immediately replies, My pleasure.


Frank is awkwardly staring at the ground, so I nudge him with my elbow. "Pick someone," I whisper.

"Uh, Rachel?"

Soul Mates AU (Heroes of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now