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I've changed Annabeth's tattoo- go reread the second chapter of the book.

(It's a blue cookie:)

(Annabeth's POV)

"Percy, please read page 369," Mrs. Brooke asks, and Percy gulps a little.

"Uh, Mrs. Brooke, I left my glasses at home again," he says, and she rolls her eyes subtly.

I exchange a look with Nico. We've become good friends over some time, and can both clearly see that something is up.

"Percy, you seem to forget your glasses everyday! This is your last warning- next time it's detention."

"Okay," he says, looking down and breathing a quick sigh of relief.

I pull out a sticky note and write, What was that? Before passing it over to Nico.

About two seconds later, it comes back to me, and Nico had written back. We have an entire conversation this way, going through countless sticky notes.

Here's the conversation-

(Annabeth, Nico)

What was that?

I have no idea.

Well, it's obviously something! Why would he keep pretending that he has glasses???

I don't know! He's never done this before, but I guess he just really doesn't want to read out loud.



He's gotta be doing this to get out of reading out loud, but why is he so against it? Everyone has to do it- it's no big deal!

Yeah.... I think we need to talk to him after class.

If we can catch him! We can't let him know that we want to talk about it until after we have him cornered- or he'll escape like last time.

Yeah, okay.

We put away the sticky notes, sliding them into our binders. I stare at the clock, completely tuning out of class. I've already read this book, anyway.

Finally, the minute hand hits the 6, and Mrs. Brooke dismissed us to our next class. I make eye contact with Nico, who runs up to Percy.

"Hey, Percy!"


"Um....... My locker got jammed before class, and I never got it open. Can you help me? I need to get my science notebook," Nico improvises, and I raise my eyebrows. Very good cover.

"Yeah, of course."

I follow them to Nico's locker, which happens to be at the end of the hallway. The dead end. After Percy swings the locker open with ease, he looks at Nico, confused, and I turn to him.

"So, when did you get glasses?"

"Wait, what?"

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