I'm Not That Fortunate

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If you didn't read the previous authors note, TURN BACK.

It is titled 'IMPORTANT' for a reason!


If you did already read it, then 💗.

Continue on.


(Leo's POV)

"Valdez, where is your homework?"

"I didn't not not do it."


I sigh. "I didn't do my homework, Miss."

Ms. Perry rolls her eyes. "Leo, if you don't start doing your homework, then you will never understand the material!"


"You owe me 3 homework assignments."


She continues her parade through the classroom, giving all the responsible kids a little check in her grade book.

I lean back in my chair, pulling out my wrench. I look down at the word engraved across the middle.


That's the name of my dad's company. Of course, he named the company after himself.

My dad doesn't allow any tools or objects from his competitors to ever enter our house. The company branding is all over the house.

It might be a little weird that I carry a wrench with me, but it comes in handy! It can be used in a bind- whether I need to repair something or defend myself.

Nobody wants a wrench to the face.

Believe me.

Anyway, I am totally spacing out while I suffer through Ms. Perry's boring lecture.

My eyes wander around the room, stopping to look at the girl in the corner. Thalia Grace.

She's Jason's sister, and Percy's cousin. She's pretty cool. She's one of those girls who would rather go to a cage match than to prom.

Right now, she's sitting in the corner, looking as bored as ever in her Death to Barbie t-shirt. She catches my eye and mouths the words Shoot me now, then points to Ms. Perry with an over exaggerated eye roll.

I smirk in response, before turning my attention to the clock as it ticks away minute after minute.

               ~~*time skipadré*~~

Hey, would you look at that!

The school day's over!

I swear, if I have to sit through another lecture on the discovery of America, I'm gonna die.

Hm.... Death sounds like the better alternative, honestly.

I laugh along with Percy on the way to my locker, and we part ways at the fork in the hallway. He walks home with the Graces and the Di Angelos.

After hitting my locker, I head out into the parking lot. I look around for my old, beat up Jeep for a solid ten minutes before remembering that my car isn't here.

I got to school late today, and the parking lot was completely full. I had to go park in the MiniMart parking lot a few blocks over. It's the closest option.

I sigh and head towards the gates, walking on the sidewalk by the side of the road. I whistle along as I feel the breeze in my hair.

I step into the parking lot, fumbling with my keys. I hear a familiar beep from the far end of the parking lot, so I start toward that area.

As I am walking to my car, I look out into the street and notice a silver Chevy zipping by at high speed.

Well. I'm sure that's not the speed limit.

The car hurtles around the turn, flying into the MiniMart parking lot. I can't see the driver.

Uh oh, that car is heading this way!

The Chevy zooms toward me, and I run for my car. Who the heck is driving, and what in tarnation are they thinking?

I pull the keys out of my pocket, unlocking the car as I run toward it.

The car is coming closer and closer....

I can feel my heartbeat in my ears as I attempt to out-race this car.

I almost make it to the door, but, of course, I'm not that fortunate.

The car hits me like a train, and I crash into the hood, rolling up the windshield and flying through the air. The pain explodes in my..... Well..... In my everywhere.

The last thing I remember seeing is the sky, spiraling around in my blurry vision as I hit the ground with a crack.


Oooh, cliffhanger!


(Sorry about the short chapter)

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