Did You Disassemble Your Desk?

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(Jason's POV)

Well, whooping Luke was fun.

Travis had to get a wrap/brace on his wrist, which he sprained. Grrrr.

Anyway, when Piper hurled that dodgeball at Drew, I was impressed.

I've always had a little crush on her, but she's really popular. I'm kinda average, and she probably wouldn't consider me.

I look at her subtly, and then gasp a little under my breath.

Is she....? Yeah, she definitely is.

She is wearing a white feather on a leather string in her hair.

Could it be my tattoo feather?

Probably not.

Ok, maybe. Now I really want to get to know her better. What if it is the same feather?

I grab my binder from the locker room, and lug it down to History. One of my least favorite subjects.

I waltz into the room, and plop my binder down onto one of the desks in the back. There isn't a seating chart, so everyone quickly groups together with their friends.

Leo Valdez walks in, and Percy told me about him. He sounds pretty awesome. Since I don't have many other friends in class, I invite him over to sit with me.

He drops his binder on the table to my right, and flashes me his signature mischievous grin. "This hour sounds like it could use some funnifying, you up for it?"

"Heck, yeah!"


Then, right before the bell rings, a girl with chestnut colored hair rushes into the room. I notice her hair immediately because it is braided in all kinds of complex ways, but it looks nice.

She surveys the room, and sees that the only empty seat is to my left. So she walks over to me and sets her stuff down.

"Hey, I'm Jason."


"That's unique, is it foreign?"

"Yeah, I'm Greek.... Valdez, what are you looking at?" She says exasperatedly, looking back behind me.

Leo chuckles and shrugs. "I don't know. But, I hope I don't bother you because you're stuck with us all hour," he says smoothly with a glint in his eye.

She rolls her eyes, then turns her attention to the front of the room where the teacher stands up to address the class.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Loretzki. Today, we will simply talk about my class policies. After all, our time together has just begun."

The hour drags on. And on. And on. And on. And on. And on.

Mr. Loretzki is nice.... But he drones on and on forever with absolutely no emotion.

Leo and I make paper airplanes, play table football, and make origami (well, he does. I try so hard. But I fail miserably). Mr. Loretzki doesn't even notice any of it. The entire class is watching us in a desperate need of entertainment.

Calypso rolls her eyes at us, but is smiling.

Eventually, we start making farting noises in the back of the room, and blaming it on Mr. Loretzki.

Soul Mates AU (Heroes of Olympus)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum