Travis, What Did You Do?

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(Piper's POV)

I am on the look-out for a guy with glasses.

But not just any glasses.

Thick-rimmed, black glasses that have a little scratch on the left side.

The scratch appeared in my tattoo yesterday, but it didn't really aid my search at all. The scratch is so small.

I think that Jason Grace is really cute, but he doesn't wear glasses. Dag nab it. If only..... lol.

I sit down at lunch, and my friends soon file in and join me. My lunch table consists of Frank, Will, Silena, Luke, Katie Gardener, and Rachel Dare (Red).

I bite into my veggie burger, and Will sighs. "Piper, you can't go forever without eating meat. You need protein!"

"I am not eating murdered animals, Will," I retort. Frank rolls his eyes, and Rachel laughs.

Katie gets up to throw away her granola bar wrapper, but freezes and sits back down.

"What?" Frank asks.

"Jerk alert," she whispers, thinking I can't hear her.

As if on cue, Matt Johnson, the biggest player in the school, waltzes up to our table. He also happens to be my boyfriend...

He has shaggy brown hair, and a permanent smirk. His eyes are a piercing green, like a tree's leaves. Everything about him and his cocky attitude say, you know you want me.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, but why in the heck are you dating him?" Katie whispers to me.

I shrug nonchalantly.

"Hey ladies," he purrs. Luke snorts,and Will rolls his eyes. "What do you want, Matt?" Rachel huffs.

He ignores her and turns to me. "Piper, love, I'm taking you to the social on Friday! When should I pick you up?"

I roll my eyes. "Matt, I'm not going to the social with you. I already promised to hang out with Rachel and Katie."

"Aw, baby don't be that way. You know they'll be fine without you," he says, earning a glare from Frank.

I grit my teeth. "I'll be right back.... come on, Matt," I say, standing up. We walk away from the table, and I can see Will raising an eyebrow in my direction.

I lead Matt out into the empty hallway outside of the cafeteria, and turn to face him.

"Alright, Matt. What the heck?"

"I don't see any reason that I can't take my girlfriend to the social."

"I already told you that I'm going with my friends, and you never even asked me!"

He crosses his arms. "You know how this works, Piper. We made a deal. You said that you would date me, which means you have to actually date me! I have held up my end of the deal, and I don't think you would want me to drop it."

I freeze in my tracks, feeling cold. "Matt, you are not blackmailing me."

"I think I am. I'll pick you up at 5:00," he says, turning and heading back into the lunchroom. He leaves me alone in the hallway, filled with regret, anger, sadness, and a chill.

I take a deep breath and go back to my table. "What was that about?" Luke asks when I sit down.

I shake my head. "It was nothing, don't worry. He's going to pick me up for the social at 5:00 on Friday," I say with a smile.

Soul Mates AU (Heroes of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now