I'm So Sorry

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I APOLOGIZE... I cried while writing this.


(Nico's POV)

School's over, woot woot.

Surprisingly, the first day actually wasn't too bad.

I walk over to my locker, merging into the middle of the hallway. When I reach it, I twist it open with ease and grab onto my backpack, giving it a tug.

It doesn't budge at all. I yank, tug, pull, and pry, but it doesn't come out. It's stuck in my locker. Great.

I am pretty small, so I must look pretty ridiculous trying to get my backpack out.

My feet are firmly planted up on the wall, and I was holding the backpack by the handle and pulling with all my might. I probably looked like a small, goth monkey.

Eventually, I give up. I am supposed to walk home with Percy, Jason, and Thalia, so hopefully they can help me.

Hazel- my adopted sister- has an after school club today, so she won't be walking with us.

As if on cue, Percy and Thalia walk up to my locker, already carrying their backpacks and binders. Percy is riding his skateboard- in the hallway, mind you (facepalm).

"My backpack is stuck," I grumble, crossing my arms. Percy steps forward to help, but Thalia holds up a hand. "I got this, Perce."

She shoves her own backpack into my chest, and grabs onto my backpack handle. With one mighty tug, the backpack flies loose and into her arms.

"Done," she says, taking her backpack from me and slinging it over her shoulder. I blush and pick up my backpack, closing my locker.

"I loosened it up for you."

She smirks. "Right."

We walk out of the building, and Jason runs up to Percy. "Dude, Travis told me about what happened in science! Were the girls mad?"

"Nah, they were pretty cool about it."

"Of course they were," Jason says with a far off look. Thalia laughs.

"Come on Jason, just get married already!" Thalia teases, and he punches her arm. "That's ridiculous."

"Jason, just admit that you like Piper, we all already know..." I say with a little chuckle. He rolls his eyes, but has turned a little pink. Percy laughs.

"Alright, alright! So I like Piper. Geez, guys," Jason groans.

We begin the walk home, and on our way out we walk by the parking lot. As we walk by, I hear voices. Two, to be precise.

The first voice sounds angry, and dangerous. The second voice is small, and afraid.

"Do you hear that?" I ask everyone. Percy nods, and Jason and Thalia strain to hear.

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