Aw, Travis!

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I don't own Finding Nemo, or the Spanish language- duh.

(Thalia's POV)

"NOOOOOO NEMO! DON'T TOUCH THE BOAT! TURN BAAAAACK!" Percy screeches, and Jason laughs.

"No dad, don't tell me not to touch the boat, you don't understand me!" I mock in a squeaky voice.

"Is Nemo going to grow up and be one of those stereotypical rebellious teenagers?" Jason asks, and my eyes widen at the possibilities.


"Ugh, guys, shut up- Nemo's life is at stake here!" Percy says, attempting to silence us.

"Okay, okay."

Ring ring ring!


I just roll my eyes and pull it out of my pocket, bringing it up to my ear as I leave the room.

"Hello?" I ask, and I hear some shuffling around.

"Hey Thalia, it's Travis! Oh, and you're on speaker phone, so Connor is also here."

"Hi Thalia!"

I roll my eyes. "Hey, guys. Is there a reason that you're calling me?"

I hear some faint whispering, before Travis clears his throat.

"We have decided that we need your help on a prank-" he says, but is interrupted by Connor.

"Not just any prank! This is a revenge plot of epic proportions!"

I furrow my eyebrows. "Um, okay? Who are you pranking?"

I can practically hear Travis' smirk as he says, "Drew, Penny, and Jenna."

Connor snickers in the background.

"Ooooh, for what they did to Piper? Count me in! What's your plan?" I ask, immediately excited.

"Okay, so we want to go big. Like, big big. But, we need you to help us come up with something that is..... perfect enough."

Connor huffs in the background. "We've been brainstorming all day!"

I let out a soft cackle. "Oh, don't worry about a thing- you came to the right person. I've got plenty of ideas...."


[the next day]

(Annabeth's POV)

"¡Silencio! ¡Silencio! Muy bien, clase.
Hoy vamos a comenzar un nuevo proyecto- which will be worth ten percent of your semester grade," Señora Lopez explains.

Señora has just stated that we will begin a new project today. I wonder what kind.....

You see, some projects aren't so bad. Some are fun, while others can be completely awful.

"Este proyecto se completará con un compañero , voy a asignar," she continues, and I quickly stifle a groan.

She will be assigning us partners- wonderful.

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