Travis' Bag O' Fun

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(Katie's POV)

"Rachel, faster!"

"That parking spot is mine!"

We streak into the parking lot, zooming up to the front where there is an empty space. Another car follows us, and Rachel races for the spot.

I grip the car handle above the passenger seat, begging not to ram through the side of the school. Rachel is a crazy driver.

We barely edge them out, and Rachel screeches to a stop before putting the car in park and opening her door. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and Rachel laughs at me.

"You know, I'm not going to get you killed."

"We'll see," I reply, hopping out of the car with a chuckle. We walk into the gym, and look for Will, Frank, and Piper.

I spot Frank talking to Jason Grace over by the punch bowl, and Will is currently walking through the doors. We wave him over, and Frank sees us too.

Percy calls Jason over, so they part and Frank comes up to us with Will.

"Where's Piper?"

"Got a ride from Matt," Rachel says, making a face.

"There she is!" I say, before shouting, "PIPER!" As she bursts through the doors. Her face instantly brightens, and she comes over to us.

"Where's Matt?" Will asks. She shrugs. "We had a, um, a falling out."

Frank chokes on his punch. "Did you guys break up? Finally?"

Piper rolls her eyes. "Wow, you guys are so supportive. Yes, we broke up. No, I don't want to talk about it, and yes, Katie, I'm okay."

"Sweet," I say, putting an arm around her. Will and Frank exchange a look, and I shoot them a glare that says We'll talk about this later.

At right about that moment, I see Matt stalk into the gym alone, glaring in our direction. Piper seems to notice him too, because she subtly ducks behind me.



"What?" I ask in confusion, looking over to a very excited Rachel.

"I wanna play Truth or Dare, come on! Percy and his friends have already started a game!" She squeals, pointing across the gym and into the library across the hallway.

"But we aren't even friends with them?" Piper asks, brow furrowed.

"Then let's make friends!" She says, dragging us over there. I see Percy, Jason, Hazel, Annabeth, a kid with dark black hair and pale skin, the Stoll twins, Thalia, a scary looking brown-haired girl, and Reyna sitting in a big circle on the floor of the library.

We head over, filing into the room. Annabeth raises an eyebrow, but Jason just yells, "Shut the door behind you!"

I go and close the door, and I see Travis smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"We want to play with you, who's going first?" Rachel says, sitting down. Some of them look a little confused, but shrug and make room for us.

I see an opening next to the dark haired, quiet kid, but Will darts to sit there first. I give him a sly grin and sit down next to him, and he blushes ever so slightly.

As I sit, I notice a big, sealed, suspicious looking bag hidden behind Travis' back. Uh oh.

I raise my eyebrow at him when I catch his eye, and he puts a finger to his lips. "It's my bad o' fun," he mouths, and I roll my eyes. That can't be good.

"I'll go, since this was my idea," Connor says, eyeing us all. Finally, his gaze settles on the scary brown-haired chick.

"Clarisse, truth or dare?"

She meets his stare, challenging it. "Dare."

He sits back in thought, before a devious smirk spreads across his face. Clarisse rolls her eyes, anticipating what's coming.

"I dare you to show us your tattoo, then go look around in the gym for your guy."


"You don't have a choice," he sings, wiggling his eyebrows. There's angry fire in her eyes, but she rolls up her sleeve to reveal a small camera tattoo.

As she does this, Chris Rodriguez walks by (we can see him through the window into the hallway) with a camera strapped around his neck.

He keeps snapping pictures of everyone, who either continue to pose or scream and hide. Either way, he's taking pictures.

We all turn to Clarisse, who is glowering. Is she masking a blush?

"Alright, go talk to him."

"Are you freaking kidding me? Heck, no!"

"Come on," Reyna says, tugging on Clarisse's arm. She manages to drag her out the door, closing it behind them.

Reyna immediately comes back, saying that she will take over Clarisse's turn because she wants Clarisse to talk to Chris.

We all giggle, and Reyna looks around the circle. "Jason, truth or dare?"

He meets her gaze, and they both smile after Reyna finally breaks their gaze.


"Ooh, you're gonna regret that decision, Grace." I chuckle to myself at the tiny electricity between them, but then look over at Piper who is looking at the floor.

I really should talk to her later about this whole Matt situation.

"I dare you to spray paint your hair purple."

"What? Reyna, where am I supposed to get purple spray paint?"

Travis not-so-subtly slides the suspicious looking bag out from behind him, and pulls out a can of purple spray paint.

"Why do you just conveniently have purple spray paint with you?"

"I've literally got everything in here."


"It's my bag o' fun!"

Jason groans, but heads over to the bathroom with the can. After a minute or two, he reemerges with new loud, bright, neon purple hair.

Everyone bursts out laughing. He sighs, though he's smiling. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Annabeth, Truth or Dare?"



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