Flying Mops and New Friends

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(Percy's POV)

5:58 am.....

5:59 am.....

6:00 am!


I roll over and smack my alarm clock, causing it to fall under the bed.

Of course, that doesn't shut it off.


I groan and roll out of bed, crouching down and feeling around for my alarm clock.

Finally, I grab it and pull it out. I smash the off button with my fist, causing the clock to go silent with a sickening crunch. I am satisfied.

I guess I am up now. Thanks a lot, alarm clock.

But hey, I didn't really have a choice. It's the first day of school.

I walk over to my closet, throwing it open and scanning my clothes. What to wear, what to wear.....

Aha! Wait, no, I wore that yesterday.

This one! Wait, no. That doesn't fit me anymore.

Got it! Wait, no. This one isn't even mine, it's Jason's. I guess last time he was over he left a shirt.


I rummage around in my closet of doom some more, until finally pulling out a blue t-shirt and some black shorts.


I throw them on, then stumble into the bathroom to make an attempt at brushing my hair.

After a while, I accept my messy hair and brush my teeth.

I can smell the glorious scent of blue pancakes wafting from the kitchen, causing me to barrel down the stairs.

"Woah!" Paul says as I rush past him.

"Pancakes!" I yell, and he chuckles to himself.

My mom, Sally, turns around when she sees me. "Oh, Percy, calm down. You'll get your pancakes!" She says, sliding a plate to me across the table.

Those pancakes never stood a chance. They were gone in under 2 minutes.

I stand up and rinse my plate, before slinging my backpacks over one shoulder and running out the door.

"Bye Mom!"

"Bye honey!"

I exit the apartment building, and grab my skateboard. Our apartment is 3 blocks away from the school, and they decided not to waste their resources by sending me a bus.

I zoom along the sidewalks, dodging people. In New York, a sidewalk is never empty. Ever.

I hear the bells ringing in the front of the school, reminding us that we have only 10 minutes until we are officially late. I guess I made good time today.

I jump off my skateboard, kicking it up and catching it with one arm. I open my locker, and cram it in with my backpack before grabbing my binder and heading to class.

My first hour class is ELA, which is really fantastic.

Take note of the sarcasm.

Yeah, I have ADHD and dyslexia, so reading and writing aren't exactly my strong suits. Well, school isn't my strong suit. But especially ELA.

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