So Who Hit Him?

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(Percy's POV)

"Mom, I'm home!" I shout, dropping my backpack at the door. Paul won't be home until later, he has a bunch of paperwork to deal with.

My mom, Sally Jackson, comes into view, walking out of the other room. "How was your day?"

"Boringish. My classes were terrible as usual, but at lunch a little thing went down," I say, taking a seat at the table.

"Oh?" She asks, slightly raising an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"My friend Hazel was getting pushed around by Drew and her gang, until Annabeth Chase came to her rescue. I helped calm her down afterwards, but Annabeth kicked their butts."

My mom chuckles and ruffles my hair. "You sure know how to pick them, don't you?"

I blush slightly. "Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Your friends! Unless, of course, this is Annabeth is special...?" She asks in a teasing tone. I roll my eyes and pull out my homework.

I try and concentrate on my math, but it is practically hopeless. I can't focus, and this is boring. I hate math.

My mom seems to notice this, and smirks. "When your done with your homework, I'll give you some blue cookies."

Now, that got me focused! My eyes widen in delight and I dive into my algorithms.

Twenty minutes later, my homework is complete. "Done!" I announce proudly.

My mom smiles and pulls out her cookie jar, handing me two blue chocolate chip cookies. They melt in my mouth.


Once I'm down with my cookies, I head into the living room and click on the TV, plopping down on the couch.

I groan in annoyance when the local news channel pops up. Paul must have been watching it before he left for work this morning.

I am about to flip the channel when a headline catches my eye.

Teen Hit By Car in MiniMart Parking Lot

A little pit forms in my stomach. MiniMart is only a few blocks away from the school!

I watch as a reporter pops up on screen. "Tragic car accident in the parking lot today here at MiniMart. Local high schooler, Leo Valdez, was hit by a silver Chevrolet. It's driver is being taken away now for drunk driving."

Leo got hit by a car?
What?! When?! What?!
Oh my gods.
Is he okay?

"There was a friend of his on-site, but she refuses to talk to the press," the reporter says irritatedly, and then the screen shifts to show an irritated Calypso glaring at the camera. "I'm not answering any questions, get out of my face," she says, hopping into an ambulance and slamming the door.

On any other occasion, I would've laughed. This time, I pick up the nearest phone, my hands shaking badly. I dial Calypso's number and wait while it rings.

"Hello?" She says hopefully from the other end.

"Calypso, it's Percy. What the heck happened to Leo?!"

She sighs. "Percy, I thought you were the hospital calling with an update! They took him to Waterbrooke, and he has a broken arm and leg, a concussion, and a few broken ribs."


"He got hit by a car, Percy."

"I know, but how? He was in a freaking parking lot!"

"You think I don't know that?!" She snaps back, then takes a deep breath. "Sorry... I am just worried. The point is, Leo's in the hospital and there is nothing we can do about it. I left my number at the information table, and they will call me when we can see him. I'll let you know."

"Thanks... Have you seen him?"

"Yes. The doctors have it covered."

"There must be something we can do-"

"PERCY! You can't fix everything! I know that you always want to do everything and help everyone, but this is serious. Let Waterbrooke take care of it," she says. "Good bye, I'll text you later."

"Bye," I mumble, hanging up and falling back on the couch. This can't be real.

"Percy? Are you okay?" Mom asks, stepping into the room quietly.

"Have you seen the news?" I ask sadly in response.

"No.... What is it?"

"My friend Leo got hit by a car," I say blatantly. Mom gasps, and puts a hand on my knee.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But he isn't; two broken limbs, broken ribs, and a concussion!"

"Do you have any way to contact the hospital?"

"No. My friend Calypso was at the hospital with Leo, and she is going to text me when we are allowed to see him."

"Alright, just let me know. I'd be happy to give you a ride," Mom says with a sympathetic smile.

"I need to let my friends know."

"Okay, your phone is charging in the kitchen."


I get up and walk into the kitchen, grabbing my phone and going to my room.

I plop down on my bed, and start a group text message with my friends.

Text Convo-

Percy: uh...... guys we have some bag news
Percy: *bat
Percy: *bad (stupid auto correct)
Hazel: hi Percy, what is it?
Jason: yeah what's up?
Nico: what did you do
Annabeth: Oh my gods, please use proper grammar. It's driving me crazy.
Travis: im gonna youse bad grammer on perpuse now
Connor: haha same this is gonna be funner then last time
Thalia: loosen up Annie
Annabeth: Capitalize 'loosen', add a comma in between 'up' and 'Annie', then add a period. Also, DON'T CALL ME ANNIE!
Clarisse: you guys are idiots
Reyna: what the heck happened here
Jason: what
Percy: Leo got hit by a car at MiniMart
Nico: WHAT?!
Hazel: WHAT?!
Annabeth: Is he okay?!
Jason: where is he?
Travis: Wat the- how?!
Percy: hes at Waterbrooke and he has broken ribs, a broken arm and leg, and a concussion. It was after school and he still hasn't woken up
Hazel: oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods
Nico: .........
Reyna: when can we see him
Thalia: do you have a way to talk to the hospital or a doctor
Percy: Calypso was there when they brought him to the hospital, and I got this information from hed
Percy: she said she left her phone number at the hospital and they are gonna call her when we can see him
Clarisse: so who hit him
Annabeth: CLARISSE!
Clarisse: its a fair question
Percy: it was a drunk guy driving a silver Chevy
Connor: ö
Jason: thanks for telling us, text us updates and when we can go see him
Annabeth: Yes, please do.
Thalia: bye

I click off my phone and set it on my desk.


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