Make Your Life Miserable

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(Percy's POV)

"Mom, I'm home!" I call, and my mom comes to the door.

"Hey, honey! How did swim tryouts go?"

"Great! They made me team captain!"

Mom clasps her hands together happily. "Oh, Percy, that's fantastic!"

"Yeah, and thanks for letting me go and get ice cream with my friends, it was really fun."

"Aw, no problem. How was it?" She asks

"Great, Kelli was there!"

She looks at me, perplexed. "Um, isn't Kelli the girl that you said was continuously hitting on you? I didn't know that you liked her."

I laugh. "No, I don't. She's awful. However, Annabeth saved me today. When Kelli came up to me, Annabeth pretended to be my girlfriend so she would leave!"

"Well, that was very nice. Isn't she the one that you told me about a while ago? The one that helped save your friend from some popular girls?"

"Yeah, she's sure something," I say, and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'll have you know that I am going to meet her now," she says, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"Aw, mom, it's not like that!" I groan. "She doesn't like me that way!"

"Do you like her that way?"

"Uh, the jury is still out on that one."

She rolls her eyes. "Well, honey, once you figure it out, let me know so I can meet her."

"Whatever mom," I say in mock exasperation. "I'm going upstairs."

(Piper's POV)

"Hey, Dad?" I ask, walking into the living room. I find him buried in a large movie script.

"Hey, Piper, I'm glad you're here!"

"Really? Thanks, I-"

"I need someone to practice some lines on, so stay there!"

"But dad, I needed to ask you someth-"

"You know as well as I do that in the best man for the job, Mrs. McCarthy."


"I've been riding my whole life- there ain't nobody better than me!"

"Dad, please-"

"I know very well that it may be dangerous, but-"


He finally looks up from the script. "What is it? Can't I finish my lines?"

"Dad, I just have a question."

He sighs. "I suppose I have time for one question."

"What I have been trying to ask you is whether I have to go stay with Aunt Michelle while you're away this weekend? I'm getting older, and I think it's time that I-"

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