3. Hot Mess

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Good Girl - Carrie Underwood (for obvious reasons)

"I can't believe this is happening to me" I hung my head in shame, hoping that something, anything, would happen to save me from the awful situation.

My prayers were answered in the form of Isaac, who tripped into the bathroom before standing stock still and staring at the three of us. "What the hell is happening in here?" he asked, looking beyond confused.

"Isaac! Riley is ill, you better look after him, or take him home or something," I told him as I ran out of the bathroom in an attempt to escape from Will, who was still curling up in  laughter.

"Emma!"I began calling out, it was getting late and I just wanted to go home.

"What's your hurry Malia?" said a familiar voice as an arm reached out and grabbed me, stopping me in my tracks. I turned to see that Marc was staring at me with half lidded eyes, clearly quite drunk.

I shrugged my arm out of his hand, feeling uncomfortable as he looked at me like I was dessert.

"I'm looking for Emma, have you seen her?" I asked, hoping to get away from him as soon as possible. He honestly freaked me out. The same way clowns and dolls in the dark freaked me out.

"No, but maybe we could hang out for a while. I think you'll find that I can be pretty entertaining, "he swayed over to me, backing me up until I hit a wall and had nowhere else to go.

"I've got to go actually, curfew, I know I'm seventeen and I have a curfew right?" I tried joking to show him that I was not interested in being 'intimate', but the guy seriously couldn't take a hint!

"I'm sure you can be a little bit late home, you can think up an excuse," he smiled clumsily, leaning closer to me.

"Actually, I can't" I moved around him and began backing up, until I hit into over six foot of solid muscle.

"Malia, we have to go, we've got that thing, remember?" I heard Will speak, and for a moment I was thankful for his presence. As annoying and frustrating as I found him, I'd much rather have been around him that than the slime ball known as Marc.

"Yeah right, let's go," I agreed when Marc grabbed hold of me once more.

"You better watch it Memory, you don't want to get a reputation as a cock block," he hissed as I wriggled myself free again. Then Will stepped in front and got intimidatingly close to Marc.

"I think you'll find that you're your own cock block buddy, and you might want to think again before you go around grabbing onto girls who clearly are not interested," Will warned him, towering over Marc.

"Think twice before you make an enemy of me, buddy," Marc attempted to square up, but really he just looked like a little kid trying to look tough in front of his friends.

"I'm quivering in my boots," Will said, completely straight faced, not an ounce of emotion. Marc just huffed before storming off to find someone else to piss off. Someone less scary.

"Thanks for doing that," I said, when he turned to face me.

"Please, I eat chumps like him for breakfast. Besides, it wasn't for free, you're going to give me a ride home."

I laughed sarcastically before straightening out my face. "No, I'm not" I told him simply.

"Oh come on, would the new you really abandon a poor soul who has no way of getting home and doesn't know his way around?" he pouted out his bottom lip, which looked quite hilarious considering how tough he usually acted.

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