55. Angry

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I'm so sorry about the slow update! Uni is a lot harder than I thought it would be and I wanted to make this chapter perfect. Anyway, here's chapter 55...


Have you ever slept somewhere that wasn't your own room and woken up feeling completely lost? For a split second you forget where you are and it is slightly terrifying, but quickly enough you remember where you are and how you got there.

When I woke up after everything had faded to darkness I got that feeling, except it didn't go away in a split second. The feeling of terror didn't subside and reality didn't kick in and I didn't know where I was. I was clueless. I couldn't even remember how I got there.

I looked around me and attempted to make some sense of my surroundings, but it was dark and I could barely see anything. I could feel a bed beneath me. It was quite comfortable and had my head not been pounding I probably could have fallen back to sleep.

I managed to pull myself up, groaning in pain as I did. My whole body ached, but mostly my head was sore. I put my hand to the spot where it was most painful and felt that it was wet. Blood.

It all came rushing back to me and I remembered I had been knocked out. Someone had hit me on the back of the head and it definitely hurt! I jumped up and ran to the door, finally realising I had been kidnapped.

It was all crashing down on me so suddenly and it had barely occurred to me how much danger I was in.

I was only able to find the door because of the tiny amount of light streaming through the bottom, other than that the room was pitch black.

Of course when I tried it, it was locked. I yanked and pulled on it but it was useless. Locked shut.

I was almost beside myself, my worst nightmares were coming true. For three years I hadn't been able to leave the house without fearing that I would be taken away by the man who had attacked me, and exactly that had happened.

I suddenly thought to Will and wondered where he might be. If he had been taken by the killer as well then he might be holding us in the same place. I knew I had to figure a way out of the room.

I had been prepared for this very situation, my brother and the FBI had taught me what I needed to do in order to survive. The first thing I had to do was figure out where I was.

Easier said than done.

I could barely see a thing in the darkness, I could just about make out the furniture. I could see the bed, I could see the outline of a desk and what was possibly a book case. There was a chair as well, a single chair in the corner of the room, on its own, just facing the bed. It looked like a bedroom which suggested I was in a normal house, but I couldn't be sure.

I stomped on the floor a few times and realised I wasn't on the ground floor, I was definitely on an upstairs level. At least if I was in a normal house it wasn't likely to be in a secluded area, but there was no guarantee of that so I couldn't get my hopes up.

I walked over to the desk and began to feel around, hoping to find something small to pick the lock with. There was only one thing on the desk, a small box, wrapped in a ribbon. It was dark, so I could barely make it out, but I could see my name written on it, and I could tell the ribbon was a light shade of blue.

I got chills just holding up the box, knowing he had held it. He had written my name. The fact he even knew my name made my heart race.

I opened the box up and examined the contents. Just one solitary necklace. It was a topaz gem on a small silver chain. If it hadn't been purchased by a serial killer, I would have found it beautiful. But it was as though I could feel him on it.

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